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Today's Trade & News

Small part of last week newsletter and 2017 Financial Predictions book will be out on this Sunday..

Weekly Newsletter from 3 – 6 January 2017

Traders success key is “focus” or in other word “Meditations”


Dear Members,

Once again, I would like to wish you a great 2017, and may all of you experience happiness, peace and prosperity. I am also asking for everyone’s blessings so that I may be able to guide you on the correct path.

I highly recommend meditating every day for at least a few minutes. Buddha said – If you find no one to support you on the spiritual path, walk alone. There is no Championship with the immature.

“Though you might conquer in battle

A thousand times a thousand men

You’re the greatest battle winner

If you conquer just one – Your Self”

I started reading charts at the age of nine, but since a young age I have been telling every one of my clients to spend some time alone to know what is going on within us and around us. We will discover the errors in our way and may be able to correct them by meditating. Most financial market people have the habit to see what’s happening in the markets or in the outside world as soon as they wake up but they hardly have time to look inside of their own world.

2017 will be interesting year, and we all are aware that the focus will be on elected President Trump. He will be swearing within the next three weeks and after he takes over the Oval office, Saturn will change houses. He is born with a Scorpio Moon, and I have seen that people born with the Scorpio Moon are biggest talkers and less action takers. They twist words, they can lie so much but people still believe Scorpio Moon born people because people believe what Scorpio moon says is truth, in fact, they have sympathy with the Scorpio Moon. Out of 30 days or one month, 5 days are very positive for people born with Scorpio Moon and during these five days they make the right decisions but the rest of the 25 days they just make noise or useless decisions. This shall be the overall picture of President Elect Trump’s behavior pattern for the next four years, so don’t take him seriously on most issues. Yes, the rest of his chart is positive so apart from his speaking, his actions may be correct. If Trump speaks less it will be great for USA, and the Republican party.

Saturn will be changing houses on 26th January 2017. Saturn stays in one house for 30 months so now the Sagittarius Saturn will control the next 30 months. This house is owned by Jupiter and currently Jupiter is in the house of Mercury. Historically, Saturn in Sagittarius always creates a boring trend in the market so expect a sideways trend with sharp corrections in a few patches in 2017. There will be some dangerous periods in two patches during 2017 during which the market may correct sharply without any recovery. Our book will have a detailed outlook for 2017 so wait for it to come out -- we are planning to launch within the next two weeks.

Scorecard of 2016:

·        USA market achieved an all-time high; every correction remained for a short period. S&P held our lower side level of 1812 and bounced to 2278 level.

·        Gold and silver gained value in the first half but gave away gains in the second half as predicted

·        Coffee and cotton moved higher, and both achieved the higher side predicted target of $178 and $78.00

·        Cocoa prices crash from $3300 to 2200 as predicted.

·        Dollar made a new high, our view on USD was bullish

·        Oil prices traded in the range of $27.71 to $54.78, which were the predicted ranges for 2016

·        Thirty Year bond prices crashed from 172 to 148 level as predicted

·        We were able to predict the bottom for S&P and oil on 12 February 2016

·        Our date of 22nd August gold top out also came out very accurate

·        Brazilian Real, Brazilian market buying recommendations did very well for investors

·        Our view was very bullish for Russian Rubble in 2016

·        Grains traded as predicted

Wrong predictions:

·        I failed to predicted the outcome of Brexit and the USA election

·        I expected gold to move up to $1250 but it went up to $1378 level

Saturn transiting from Scorpio in my chart from the 12th house forced me to fail on important predictions like Brexit and USA elections. I haven’t tested this kind of failure in my astrology predicting career on predicting geo-politics events. I am still happy that our advice on the financial market however remained very accurate.

I am very happy and excited for 2017 as a few major moves are indicating during this year and we are sure we will benefit from these moves. I will try my best to guide you in 2017, and why not when Saturn is in Sagittarius.

Important note - I am sure you will be looking forward to adopt new strategies. So far in the last seven years our view was very bullish on the market so we simply recommended buying on dip but that era is ending in the month of January 2017. Buying on dip is not recommended any more. Selling on rise shall be our advice in 2017.

In 2017 markets, commodities, currencies and bond prices will remain very volatile so remain alert, every newsletter will be an important one so read carefully. A few of my members are telling me to write a brief letter but I can’t do that so my weekly newsletter will remain lengthy and every line will have importance.

In Chinese astro calendar 2016 was year of Monkey and Chinese calendar will from 28 January as they also follow Moon to make changes in year calendar: Nature of Monkey is jumping around and we witnessed that in 2016 as markets and commodities moved both sides without any stability.

In Chinese astro calendar from February 2017 Rooster will take over from Monkey: Rooster is sign of warning or to bring awakening. We will recommend to book profit in market or any stocks which had made big move. I will write about this in end of January during Chinese New Year.  


Here is this week financial newsletter form markets, metals, energy, currencies, bond, grains and softs from 3-6 January:

Get ready to buy our new book “2017 Financial Predictions”, I am sure this book will guide you throughout 2017 about every financial area like commodities, equity market, currencies and bond. Book has detail outlook with monthly cycle covering almost every Currencies (most of frontline currencies as well emerging market currencies), Equity Market (USA, Canada, most of European, Asian, middle-east and South American markets), Commodities (precious and base metals, energy, grains and softs) and bond.

There is no doubt, that 2017 will remain most challenging year for investors. When we launched 2007/8 predictions book we stated same word because we saw most dangerous period coming in 2008 and it did happen. In the last 25 years, I warn investors twice, first time in end of 1999 about “tech bubble to burst” and second time in 2007 about “financial system to meltdown and crash in market”.

From the March 2009, our view remained very bullish for all major markets but now 2017 looks bit scary. I am sure this book will help you to make prudent decision in trading and investment. It is important that you save capital by not investing in uncertain scenario during negative astro cycles or you take some hedging trades if you still like to remain invested.

Book will be out on Sunday around 6.00 AM, Santa Barbara time.   

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma