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Today's Trade & News

Small part of this week newsletter is here as gift....

Dear Friends,

I am putting here some part from this week newsletter for visitors of our website those who can't afford to subscribe our services.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma


Big boy’s like Uncertainty and Volatility

Dear Members,

I have never experienced during last 20 years what I saw last week in financial markets. On Thursday, all major currencies collapsed except Yen, which went up more than 700 points, while Canadian, Australian and other currencies were falling like there is no price support. Out of all these market routs Dow traded suspiciously as it went down 1,000 point in a fraction of 10 minutes. Meantime, oil came down more than $10 during this week as dollar made new highs as predicted.

While stocks and base metals were collapsing as predicted, one commodity stood against all tides: gold. Last week all these uncertainties helped gold to stay hotly demanded. Last week we were wrong in judging gold’s trend because we thought that when everything comes down, gold will also be pressured by liquidities. But that did not happen.

Three years back still I remember the day when I announced my new unique prediction on gold that no one agreed (even top names in the gold bugs community), and most laughed at. The prediction was that “time is coming when gold would walk together hand in hand with US Dollar”.  In the last few weeks we have witnessed this phenomenon. If Mars was not in its uncertain house, I would have called a bull market in gold in March 2010 after it fell down to $1,044 from $1,225. Anyway gold prediction is not coming true but rest of our predictions have proven ahead of the curves and very accurate.

How much more Astro can guide us? I am humbly thanking nature but I will be 100% satisfied when our gold prediction also comes accurate even on the short term periods. Lately we have lost consistency in predicting weekly trends for gold and the reason is that it is moving with dollar. The rest of asset prices are moving against US Dollar, as predicted. However, we don’t want to find excuses and we must apologize for not coming very accurately on gold predictions.

Greece’s financial abyss will be resolved soon, perhaps, but Euro Zone and the whole world need to plan for the immediate next similar debt implosions from Spain and Portugal. Friday European Commission President Jose Barroso said that they will defend the Euro, whatever it takes. I think they are in an aggressive mood, while in crises they should have been calm and think seriously and decisively so next time these kinds of problems don’t arise.    

Angela Merkel, German Chancellor said, “Europe will send a very clear signal against who want to speculate against Euro”. I still don’t understand why they were speaking like Euro is “innocent”. People are getting out from Euro because it has genuinely grave problems. Fixing the underlying problems is the only way that Euro will win back investors’ confidence. Immature political behaviors like these will assure that my prediction of Euro reaching par value will come true soon.

In 2008 when Euro was at 1.5390, we mentioned that there would be huge problems in EU and eventually Euro would go back to 0.83 and then 0.50. Now things are unfolding as predicted. My European members shouldn’t think that I am against EU or Euro. You might remember that in 2001 we came out with a prediction that Euro would rise substantially, to 1.39 when Euro was at 0.83. We predict as per planetary movement indicates, period. Now planets are guiding us sell Euro on rises. Monday Euro may gain because of EU’s desperate measures but any sharp rise should be taken as a selling opportunity as the future of Euro is bleak for the next three years.

Many big names are bullish on commodities and weak dollar but we are bullish on dollar AND commodities. In between uncertain times we will see volatilities but overall outlook for world economy in the next 5 years looks very bright. If you are living in USA, buy real estate and hold investments in USD as that is only paper currency which holds promise to pay in the future because after 2017 there will be a global melt down. No one will be spared by nature. Stock market and stock prices will lose 90% value in a few weeks. Most banks will refuse to honor their promises. Before this worst storm hits just enjoy life, do your best for the needy, spend time with your families, and surely do something to cheer and fulfill your soul.

Let’s come back to the current period, and see what planets say about this week.

Weekly newsletter from 10-14 May 



Last week silver performed as predicted…



Last week we have seen that time has the power to pull anything in world financial market to unexpected prices. On one would have thought that copper and other base metals would fall limit down. Copper came down from $363 to $300, a 17% move.

This week base metals will trade….



Last week cotton traded as predicted and coffee remained sideways. Mercury is indicating some weather problem in coffee growing area in Brazil so watch weather conditions very closely. Now little rain is going on in Sao Paulo and Curitiba, while some areas are very dry and some parts are too wet. So far the weather is in mixed conditions but we have to watch frost which I ….



All these three soft commodities will trade….

Two months back no one believed our prediction of sugar falling more than 50% in a few months and look at today sugar prices came all the way down to $13 from $30 in two months. Even taking a small position, huge money could have been made.

Day by day we see more number of investors start believing or following planetary movement and understanding its relationship with financial market. Towards the end of 2010 I would like to hold 7-day classes of understanding planetary movement and their effects on financial markets.

Planetary movement gives us trading opportunities to take advantages of Black Swan events. They are rare but once they are coming you have to act quickly. Like since last few months Greece is a Black Swan and you have to believe that this will create problems. Now there are a few more Black Swans emerging like Spain, Portugal and Goldman. You have to catch them in time and planetary predictions give you early indications because they are always ahead of the news.

Anyway we don’t want to go too far, this week soft commodities…. 



Last week globally investors have experienced most uncertain time after Lehman collapse. Stock prices falling sharply but indexes behavior was more negative as fund or big traders like to trade Indexes when time is uncertain compare to finding a stocks for trade. Heavy Puts and call activities have been witnessed in all major indexes, short term future contracts traded heavily. During this kind of uncertain time one can make good profit if they are in right directions.

Time still is uncertain for world financial market, even after EU announcing all steps; this may help to bring calmness in markets for one to two days but again financial market will start collapsing so watch market trend carefully…..

Uncertainty until 27 May will dominate in all major stock markets so no need to jump in to buy stocks. European and Asian markets will perform negatively compare to USA….

From late…. Google came down from $630 to $465, Greece story is done, now another two “G”’s are pending “Goldman and Gold”, story will get very ugly once they come under grip of planets.


Our members have made good money during last week in few ETF’s (EDZ, SMN, FAZ, EEM, DTO)….



Last week grains traded sideways as predicted. This week grains will….



Last week oil traded as predicted and even fell below our predicted lower price. Heating oil and RB gas also came down with oil. Natural gas remained as predicted. We see….

DTO “double short” oil ETF has moved up sharply from $55 to $77.....



Dollar performed as predicted. It has been trading like a solid rock. Faith in dollar has been growing as many old time enemies and big names in the financial industry that have been against USD were suddenly quiet because they have been burned recently in the rising dollar.

Commodity currencies traded sharply lower. We Predicted 3-4% losses and that was exactly what happened….

Last week’s prediction in Euro was also fulfilled. This week Euro will…..

We are all aware that EU has announced bail-out package for Greece so there will be up move on Euro in the short term as sentiment is favoring Euro. But Astro indicators are very negative on Euro still, so sell as next target is…..

Last week we mentioned that Swiss Franc and Yen would remain positive, and they did. Yen’s up move, however, surprised me because I haven’t seen something like this ever (ALMOST 700 point move for Yen in Single day), here in chart we can see “FXY” Yen Etf. In Future market it made intraday high of 1.1375 from day low 1.0593. This week there will be buying opportunity in Yen on late…..

Pound remained volatile as well during last week and this week…..

Dollar Index went above our expectations. This week dollar will stabilize but any weakness in USD should be taken as a buying opportunity on Monday…..our next target during this week…..




Here is Chart of emerging market short Etf’s “EDZ”.

Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma

Prediction made on 9 May, 2010

NOTE: Many people are requesting that I should put newsletter on website during middle of week. My request is please don't look for valuable informations for free. Daily cost is nothing for weekly newsletter, against the risk you are taking in market.