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Weekly Newsletter of 17 - 21 August, 2015


Dear Members,

There is no doubt that the USA market is having new sighs of good news from local or international front but still stocks are holding well and S&P is just 1.5% from an all-time high. Every day and every week investors are remaining in fear of what the market will do once the FED raises rates; what China will do or is crude going to fall below $40.00? Investors are also not very happy with earnings because the earnings got impacted by the slowdown in China and rise of USD. Europe just came out Greeces uncertainty but last week unexpected devaluation of Yuan was a big surprise for the market.

We are aware that the currency market always get very volatile with all sorts of news under the cancer Mars and we experienced this, this time. There were three planets in Cancer (Mars, Venus and SUN) from the 1st of August, but the sun will be getting out from Cancer late Sunday and this Sun will join Jupiter which shall bring stability in the mind and should bring clear visibility to investors and policy makers even though on the side Mars will be bring some kind of negative news on the international front or some big accidents. There will be some disagreements and arguments will take place between a few nations and there are chances that middle of the earth (middle-east) tension may rise. 

Surely most investors will get the feeling and they will gain from their instinct because the SUN rules the soul and when it enters Leo which is its own house. If you are in someone else’s house then you have limitations in making decisions but if you are in your own house then you rule and you make all the decisions as per your choice.

It is very difficult to explain the astro cycles impact to the modern world because people are not ready to accept anything they dont understand. We spend almost 38 years of our life trying to understand the astro cycle. I started the astro study at the age of 8 with my grandfather. This subject can reveal everything you want but you need 24/7 constant study. When I was learning about the astro cycles my father told me about his experiences with astrology. I would like to share the story that really inspired me in young age with you.

My father meet GuruDutt (an astrologer) in 1965. He went to meet him with one of his close friends who lost his son at 18 under suspicious circumstances, and they wanted to know how he died. According to my father, Gurudutt was 70 years old with completely white hair and a very thin body. They went to Mumbai to see Gurudutt from Rajasthan. After reaching Mumbai by train they immediately headed for Gurudutt's house in South Mumbai. Gurudutt refused to talk to them, but after pledging he told them that they could come the next morning around 7:00 AM.

They never told Gurudutt why they had come. My father told me, “Mahendra, we never slept that night because we wanted to know what Gurudutt had to say about my friends’ son”. They remained awake the whole night at the Victoria Terminal railway station. In the morning they reached Gurudutt's place at 6:30 am and waited outside his house until 7:00. They rang the bell sharp at 7:00 am. Gurudutt asked them why they were there. They gave him the horoscope of the boy who died without saying anything; they just said that they wanted to know about this chart (they never said that this boy was already dead). 

Gurudutt started studying the Chart and after 30 minutes he threw the chart toward my Dad and his friend. He said, “Why have you brought this chart to me after his death? This boys’ life was only 18 years and 27 days, and he got murdered by a family member!” They both were astonished, stunned by the fact that a person could read a chart so accurately.

Yes, this is astrology. Yes, all of it is mathematic calculations because each human has a date of birth, and the life chart starts from the day we are born. Yes, this was an amazing story which fascinated me at my young age that I wanted to become Gurudutt; I wanted to become like my Grandfather. Gurudutt passed away at the age of 88, and my Grandfather passed away in 1997.

After that incident, my father started learning about this subject and because of his selflessness, he was able to make many predictions for individuals. I made thousands of predictions for individuals in my young age and people used to admire my astro chart reading, but I wanted to become different. I didnt want to become an astrologer for individuals because my dream was to become Nostradamus, ‘The Predictor of the Future’. Yes, I walked on the same path, but slowly I became a forecaster of the financial markets.

So far, I am satisfied with my study on the financial market. I continually wish to have more time for devotion towards this subject so that I could become like Gurudutt. In the back of my mind, I always think if I would be able to predict 100% accurately then one day if I were wrong, people could lose everything because they would have vested their trust in my work. I am happy with our current accuracy. We are also wrong occasionally which makes people a bit doubtful which causes them to make decisions carefully and not blindly. We always recommend people to add technical and fundamentals with our recommendations, and this makes everyone very comfortable. Surely you can give very high weighted to our subject compare to other indicators.

I enjoyed reading charts for people until 2000, but after 9/11 I left reading peoples charts as well as international predictions. Nostradamus played an important role in my life as I was inspired by him and started predicting in areas covering geopolitics, natural disasters, wars, financial markets, and prominent individuals. From 2001, I started focusing 100% on the financial market. I started financial astrology in 1986. There is so much truth in this subject, but the world takes it as an occult science; this subject is a window into tomorrow. We can reveal tomorrow, but unfortunately people are trying a lot of different things to reveal tomorrow.



Let me start this week’s newsletter from the 17th-21st of August 2016: