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Today's Trade & News

Small part of this week this newsletter...Book limited edition..


Astro cycle & Planets power to be watch closely, if you want to remain and make money in market for longer term

Dear Member,

After the Euro zone announced one trillion bailout (more than the world expected) to save Euro, the currency did not stabilize but made new lows. At this stage the leaders, either Germany, France or European Central Bank, don’t have any clue what to do next to save Euro. I would suggest that they allow Euro to settle down by itself but doing nothing simply does not fit with politicians, especially when big banks and other influential institutional investors own are stuck with Euro positions.

Many of our members and followers are grateful for our dollar buying recommendations. I humbly thank you all for keeping faith in our work. I have seen that simply following our top list recommendation, instead of doing many trades, has always proven very profitable, such as recent Dollar longs. We still recommend that our members keep their faith in USD because this will be the only financial instrument that will yield positive returns in the coming time. As we recommended, you should hold USD and all assets in USD at least for the next three years.   

Let’s talk about gold because it has been trading very volatile. Globally gold has become a darling for investors as well as speculators. A few years back there was one gold ETF in India, but now there are more than seven.  From Australia to USA everyone is talking about gold or try to connect with gold in some manner. Yes, gold will enter its bubble market because fear from dollar is gone from gold as it is walking with dollar but at some point both will again walk separately so wait for that period. Still “27 May” date will remain crucial for investors. Anything can happen in any market, even metals can fall sharply so please remain cautious. I’d still warn investors to stay alerted on gold/silver because if any fall comes then it will be huge. I don’t know how big boys including ETF’s, hedge funds and retail investors will get out on these sharp falls? It will be a mess so get out from metals whenever you see any sharp fall.

From September onward gold will start enter in bull market and eventually it will enter in bubble market and then burst. Metal investors will remember this burst for decades. Anyway  we will start long positions from September and surely we will guide you to get out before it crashes. Currently we will avoid metals because gold is in an unsafe and uncertain period.

Oil moved down as predicted. It is in a bear market so hold your shorts. We still hold our price target $55 so no need to buy at this stage. Indian Billionaires Mukesh Ambani “Relaince Ind oil/gas” company owner last week said oil is heading above $100 and in the same week it fell sharply. Sometimes I feel that many big guys in the world manipulate things and misguide ordinary investors. There was no need for him to call oil heading above $100, while oil soon fell, because millions of people trust him or his statement.  Anyway that is why we trust “wave of nature” so we don’t get influenced by this kind of statement from any individual or media.

Grains and soft commodities remain weak as predicted, and stock market remained in uncertain zone. Last few months we have been warning many times on the coming fall of markets, before it starts a historic journey. Accumulate alternative energy on weakness if you want to become millionaire or billionaires in the coming time. One of the greatest bull market in alternative energy stocks is on the way and current weakness in stock markets will bring buying opportunities.

Lets see what this week indicates:

Weekly newsletter from 17-21 May



Last week gold



Last week base metals suffered some setback as predicted 



Last week both these soft commodities traded sideways, this week... 



This week there will be a great opportunity to buy sugar…



Our call of uncertainty until the 27th of May has proven accurate as markets…..



Last week our recommendation of selling wheat and soy...  



Last three weeks our oil recommendations have made enough money to our members and our call of oil reaching $55 shall….



Lately dollar has shown the world that when the fear of uncertainty in one financial market comes, there is only one financial instrument which can hold you up and that is USD. Dollar index has done extremely well in the recent months as predicted….



Always trade on our best recommendations rather than going into the multiple smaller trades that we recommend. Although most of our trade recommendations prove to be accurate, it’s far simpler and perhaps more profitable by holding dollar longs and euro shorts. Dollar index is still our favorite in the coming time, along with corn, coffee and alternative energy. It is time to accumulate some positions there.


Lately few known billionaires have join as our members list and we welcome them, I am sure they will have unique experience of feeling future. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 16 May 2010, Santa Barbara, CA


Dear Friends,

Book which we launched in Feb 2008, "2008/09 World & Financial Prophcies" now is limited edition, and we just have left with few books and we are not reprinting, rest books will to libraries around globe. IN THE NEXT 48 HOURS WE ARE INCREASING BOOK PRICE FROM $69 TO $900".

Three years ago our warning on Euro zone and Euro was not taken seriously by most of the investors but those who have been following our work from a very long time were watching our work closely, these powerful individuals trust our theory very much. 

I was just not talking about gold going up or down, I was talking about the whole continent collapsing and this should be a concerning issue for the whole world and those who are skeptic should go through our previous book(2008/09 World & Financial Prophecies). Those who want to buy that book will have 48 hours to buy it because I have only a limited number of copies left and after selling a few copies I will immediately increase the price from $69 to $900 because that book means a lot to me.

This is small part from our book "2008/09..." on Europe:

This small above part is taken from this week newsletter.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma