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Today's Trade & News

Small part of this week weekly newsletter....

Dear Friends,

Here is small part of this week weekly newsletter.

Dear Members,

Finally the jinx of weak October has broken. S&P made handsome gains during Oct 2011. Many of those who have been following our predictions closely must be happy with our constant advise of buying S&P fearlessly, we used word “fearlessly” because we simply follow planetary indications. S&P moved 200 points in the last three weeks. Last month we gave our target of S&P reaching 1300 to 1350, and it looks like it will be achieved.

I am closely watching the EU Astro chart, and the planetary positions are concerning me. I fear of the fall of Greece, and I get very nervous when I think about Italy because Italy can make a big hole in euro situations. EU is not out of problems. I don’t know why EU leaders and World financial community is celebrating. I strongly warn investors to stay away from Euro, keep your money in dollar and keep investing in S&P or USA stocks. Don’t buy real estate in Europe, don’t make any investment which makes you hold euro or your investment. I don’t doubt planetary indications, yes without any fear we predict Euro going below par value even though currently they are pumping huge amounts of money in to system.

I have just finished World stock market and metal predictions for each month of 2012. Now grains, energy and soft commodities sections are pending which I shall be finishing within the next two weeks. I have finished the planetary calculations so now just I have put everything in writing. It took me six months to do the calculations of each month in 2012, with each financial instrument. I am sure this book will be different from all previous books because in this book we are just covering the financial market for 2012 in detail and each months predictions. I feel very excited and I am sure once you receive this book, it will solve 99% of your investment planning problems of 2012.

I will try my best to release this book by the last week of December.


Here are this week’s predictions from 31 Oct to 4 November


This week is a very important…..



Last week copper went up very aggressively but…



European news will dominate the market once again...



This week soft commodities …..



This week orange juice and sugar will….



Last week bond prices fell sharply and strong recovery in stock indexes and positive sentiment among investor community. This week is a great time to accumulate 30 year bond…



Last week grains prices remain volatile. This week we see grains….



This week oil prices will….



Last week US Dollar got hit hard as market is betting with EU positive outcome. I will not recommend anyone to buy EURO even if EU saves Greece and Spain. The study I follow is not advising to put a single penny there, so in simple words avoid EURO, currently around 1.4170….


Investors take huge risk in markets with thousands of dollar, same many emails we receive asking for free update and newsletter. I don’t understand this psychology, I believe to gain something you have to pay something. Always remember "LUCK FACTOR", those who missed can read here  

Thanks & GOD Bless

MaHendra Sharma

Predictions date – 30 OCT 2011