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Weekly Newsletter from 10 - 14 October 2016

Mix week so remain sideline, don’t buy precious metals


Dear Members,

It looks like investors would like to wait for earnings and election results before making any major investment decision. Surely, if our prediction about the elections proves to be wrong, then expect a dark cloud to emerge globally; but at this stage let’s keep the election results on the sidelines because earnings will start from the end of this week and within the next two weeks many large financial and tech names will announce their third quarter results. We are expecting growth to continue, and good results from giant tech companies. Financials will also announce positive earnings so the overall scenario looks a bit encouraging.

Late on Sunday investors will be watching the USA Presidential debate, and short term volatility is to be expected once the debate is over. This election is a big headache for investors, traders are very concerned about the any surprise outcome of it, because what happened in the aftermath of Brexit can be repeated in the equity market here and globally. The only difference would be that after Brexit everything rebounded, but if Trump wins, we don’t see any rebound in the markets for many years.

We already predicted that Hillary Clinton will win, and that her winning will boost the equity markets trend, and S&P will achieve 3200. Trump’s astro chart indicates that an extremely negative time has started for him from August 2016. We already predicted that his empire would collapse and we saw him taking the Republican party down. We predicted all of this in October 2015 so it will be interesting to watch what happens from here on to the elections. If he quits then race then will be interesting but looks difficult at this stage, everything is on today’s debate, if he performs badly today then we may see voice rising against him within the Republican Party. 

Many Americans are support Trump. I received many emails after last week’s weekly newsletter which had the election predictions, and these were emails saying, ‘Trump would win’, others said, ‘Trump will make America great again’. One person said I should write an apology letter to Trump for making the prediction that he would lose the election. This only goes to show that many people believe that Trump will do great job for America if he gets elected, but unfortunately his astro chart indicates otherwise, and that’s the reason I will stick with my prediction that he will lose the election, and will lose from every angle because he went on wrong path which is politics, when his astro charts only favors real-estate and not politics. I understand the negative astro cycles, and whenever a negative astro cycle comes, it pulls you in.

In early 2005, ABN AMRO bank approached me with a proposal to start a Fund. I agreed and moved to Dubai to start this new venture, but in the back of my mind I was thinking why I was offered such a great deal when it was clear that from the 21st of May 2005, my negative astro cycle was starting. By the end of 2015 the fund was lunched but I felt a strange feeling, I talked to my Dad, and he said, “Mahendra, you are aware that the astro time is so negative for you, so it would be better for you to leave this fund.” I decided to not start and we closed the fund before we even started trading.

If I look back and analyze the events that followed, it is clear that I wouldn’t have done well managing money for AMB AMRO Bank due to my negative time cycle from the end of 2005 to 2008.

It is always very difficult to stop ourselves from going in the wrong direction when our time is negative, because we think that everything is so good and starts doubling down. Only meditation and deep thinking can warn us to move out of the illusion that is not made for us.

We are all born to do a certain thing, and if we try to do something else, or go on different path then what we end up with is disaster or failure. My job is reading and analyzing what is happening around the world, and I always take out the astro chart and do a detailed study of individual people.

A very famous Indian Actor named Amitabh Bachchan, entered politics. I immediately predicted that he would be a failure on this path. He won the election by a huge margin, but slowly his name and reputation got tarnished in due to his political positions, he left politics and the time came when he almost went Bankrupt. In 1999 one of my very close friends came to Nairobi. My friend said that Amitabh Bachchan was having dinner standing alone at his one of his friend’s houses, and no one was talking to him, he is finished. I told my friend that only acting can save him, so tell him to go back 100% into the acting field and he will rise ten times more than what he had achieved so far. Yes, Amitabh Bachchan once again became the most loved actor in the country. 

The Indian businessman Vijay Mallya (king of the alcohol business tycoon in India, brand name Kingfisher), started an airline company 10 year back. I said that he would go bankrupt because his luck was attached to anything that is liquid (water element), and that he shouldn’t go into the Airline business because that comes under the air element, which is negative for him. Last year he had to run away from India due to a huge lose in his airline business. I have seen with hundreds of known people failing and falling drastically who tried to adopt different path from core one. At this stage Trump is doing same, he is going into politics from business and his chart doesn’t favor politics which is making clear that he will lose from every angle and he will regreat his decisio. If was his advisor then I wonldn't have allowed him to run for President. His negative astro cycle started after 28 year from 2015 July, so he has to make all wrong moves which will expose him very badly.    

I sit in my office and only research the most powerful individuals like politicians, business people, athletes, artists, or any individual who is making a great impact on the lives of other people. I also make and read the chart whenever any big incident take place, and research why that is happening. I learnt a lot over the last thirty years and I still continue to learn every day.

In 2005 we predicted that in the month of August one of the biggest water related disasters would take place on the eastern coast of USA, and that people should be very careful. If they receive any warning indication then they should act on it immediately and move out of those areas otherwise thousands of people’s lives would be at risk, and huge damage of property would occur. This was predicted eight months in advance of Hurricane Katrina. 

I know these predictions from the astro cycle don’t hold any value because no one takes them seriously, and even if they take them seriously, they hardly do anything to brace themselves. Everyone read in the 2005 book that in the last week August there would be a water related disaster on the East Coast of the United States, but what happened? Nothing! I was not able to save even a single person’s life even though I had made the prediction eight months in advance. In 2001 when I made the prediction that the worst terrorist attack on US soil would take place, and it would happen from Afghanistan (no one thought about it). I also stated that intelligence should watch activity in Afghanistan closely, but what happened? The prediction came true but no one took it seriously beforehand. People just read it as a prediction that they found interesting because they felt it was a prediction and nothing else.

Yes, this is the pain that I faced and that is why I stop predicting about any international events. I enjoy writing my predictions for the markets and we have witnessed that longer term investors give importance to our predictions. They act on, and they have greatly benefited from our predictions. I don’t want to publish any geopolitical prediction. I am very happy with the financial market work. Yes, I felt that the Trump prediction is important for the market and that’s the reason I published a brief outlook about the market and what would happen if Trump becomes President. It will be a disaster for the USA and USA investors. The country can go into a civil unrest, which could later manifest as violence because of how easily available guns are! I know how many people can vision this but it looks scary to me.

Yes, I love the US and I have 100% loyalty towards the US, and that is also part of the reason why I published last weeks’ letter. It was due to my loyalty towards this nation, because I want to see the US going in the right direction. If the US collapses, then the whole world will fall apart and suffer.


Here is this week newsletter from 10-14 October 2016 for (metals, energy, indexes, currencies, bond, grains and softs):

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Thanks & God bless


Mahendra Sharma 9 October 2016