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Small part of Thursday flashnews...2018 Financial Predictions is ready to launch in few days...

Thursdays Daily Flashnews (Unedited report)

Weakness in base metals and crypto continue…now time to buy USD against frontline currencies



Dear Members,

In this week newsletter and yesterday’s flashnews, we recommended buying US dollar Index and selling most of currencies on Wednesday around higher sides. On Wednesday most of frontline currencies reversed big down side in the late trading sessions and USD recommended as expected. Keep accumulate USD below 90.00 level.

Emerging market currency like Rupee will make fortune to those who will buy Rupee against Euro, Yen and Pound in coming. Also other emerging market currencies will trade sideways or positive without any major fall.

Base metals came down as predicted, stay short in most of base metals, they will collapse in coming weeks and months.

Thirty-year bond traded negative and negative trend will continue.

Softs, energy and grains gained value, stay long in softs and grains. Energy will be great sell on Thursday.

Precious metals traded both side as predicted as predicted. On Wednesday to Friday mix trading pattern was mentioned in our weekly latter and flashnews. Short term high of $1344 got achieved and now wait for $1317 to buy back in gold. Wait for next week newsletter and our book which has celar trading strategy in for gold, silver, platinum, palladium, copper and base metals in detail with month trading pattern. Thursday also we are expected profit booking in precious metals so trade in and out.

Most of equity market traded higher, positive trend to continue. Emerging market like India is our most favorite trade. INDL moved 6.5% higher, stay long and don’t short Indian market at any level. First target is 11275 level in the next two weeks and Bank Nifty 27500. 

S&P will achieve 2848 level very quickly, and NASDAQ will follow S&P.

Crypto currencies are falling hard, our predictions of falling from 7th January proven very accurate. Another 30% fall can easily occur but still Crypto won’t die. Read detail predictions on Crypto in our book.   

Our book (2018 Financial Predictions) shall be out on this Sunday; so get ready to have you copy. Book will have detail monthly cycle for metals, equity markets, crypto currency, grains, energy softs, thirty-year bond and dollar Indexes. I am this book will help you to make trading and investment decisions.

In our theory gold was bottomed out in 2001, in 2011 we recommended getting out from metals and mining stocks. In 2018 once again this is coming our best area of investment. Read detail monthly outlook on precious metals 2018 Financial Predictions. Also 2018 many markets will gain but Indian market can surprise global investment community, a great era for Indian market can begin in 2018.

Currency market will remain very volatile in 2018, book will guide you how you can trade in and out on short and medium term basis.

Energy market will trade mix, we have tried out best to guide you how to trade in oil and energy stocks in 2018.

Every financial instrument including crypto currencies detail outlook we have covered in this book. We will send alert of launching on Sunday.

This below note from this week newsletter first sections, we published in yesterday flashnews, here is yesterday’s flashnews;

The human race or I can say our brain has made a lot of progress, especially over the last thirty years. We have started taking control of everything and moving forward aggressively in each and every area. We have made more progress in the last hundred years, than we have in the last Thousand.

So, why has the human brain started resolving miseries so fast in the last hundred years, when the same brain struggled to make the same progress for thousands of years? What is really happening with humans or the brain. Are humans turning into God, or we are going on a path of destruction by entering the biggest jigsaw puzzle from where we won’t be able to come back. Are we just in an endless cycle of solving puzzles and moving ahead endlessly.

I interact a lot with the younger generations, and let me tell you that, this new younger generation is less attached to God or the concept of the super natural. Day by day their numbers are growing rapidly, which means that the number of people that give importance to god is dwindling by the day. It is great that the younger generation are not bothering God much by asking for everything or depending on God. It is getting clear that the importance of God is going away. I don’t know whether this is good or bad, but one thing is clear that technological innovations are playing a key role in creating this gap between God and this generation.

You may be wondering why I started this letter from this subject? You know that I always used to start my weekly newsletter with a different topic that is in one way or another relevant to our lives. I have mentioned many times that we are a part of Gods generation, and that god is with in us. So what is God, if we are the creation of God are we forgetting where we came from? Are we forgetting who gave us emotions, intellectual power, life? Yes, we don’t want to think about that because it is too complicated. We want to solve all the mysteries of life by using math and science, a function of the brain, but that is endless because science and math are just a small part of nature. My question still remains the same, and that is why is our brain suddenly moving ahead so aggressively now, compared to over the past thousands of years.

I was meditating on this subject and it is scary, because there is always an end for every cycle, and a limit to everything. Surely in mathematics there is no ending if start you multiplying any thing. Math and science are endless or limitless, but there are chances that we may be getting trapped in a puzzle of our own making.

The reason I started this letter this way is because I was thinking about how far we will go in this world with technology, politics, Money, Markets, banking system, laws, and everything else that has been created by us, because I feel that we will end up putting humanity on a very thin rope where the chances of error will rise in every direction, and we will trap ourselves, and be destroyed by our own creation.

I think nature can help us, because so far nature has not been controlled by us. Sure we can get some early indications of nature steps, like warning of rain, tsunami, but these are a small part of nature. There is world beyond this earth, there no boundary, we live in an endless galaxy and universe. To understand nature we need to meditate, we have to awaken the most difficult part of our brain. We have to combine our heart, mind, and soul, and only then can we look beyond the current world. We can get awareness about where we came from, and who we are and what is our core role is beyond tech, money, politics, etc.

In short, I am once again reminding you to mediate every single day. My failure last year was due to focusing too much on Trump rather than taking a look at the bigger picture. I ignored my own message of 2009, and if I hadn’t you all would have been at sitting at the top. Regretting is not the answer, but awareness of one's mistake is a key tool in making sure we don’t make another mistake in the future, so lets work in that directions by keeping the importance of natures role in mind.

“2018 Financial Predictions” Book will be out this week. It is finished, and I am just waiting for the right time to launch the book once the website integration is ready to accept orders and download the book. 

We are expecting Euro to top out along with most of the frontline currencies on Wednesday and reverse sharply lower so great time to sell euro and other currencies and buy USD. We don’t see USD index going below 89.71 level so keep this mind. We are also expected a top in base metals on Wednesday as mentioned in the letter, from Wednesday to Friday these are most crucial days for the base metals and we are expecting big corrections.

This is what we stated on 1 December: Frontline lithium stocks traded negative for mid-cap and small cap were in demand. LTUM remained in demand (we recommended buying at $0.08) and it will keep moving higher in coming. Let’s see whether it tests $0.65 level or not, we are expecting it test $1.18 level on higher sides.

Subscribe to read complete detail flashnews…those who can’t afford our letter can buy our book as provided detail monthly cycle for metals, energy, currencies, Indexes, crypto currency, grains, softs and bond.

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma