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Small part of weekly newsletter 28-2 Oct 2020....Volatile time to continue for the one more month...

Weekly Newsletter from 28-2 October

Mediation can open the door for a new path, and it will be our choice to choose one path….

Published on 27 October 2020


Dear Members,  

We are entering the most eventful time cycle in the USA market and it is starting from this week. Trump has announced a replacement of recently deceased Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg with Coney Barrett, which clear indicates that the election campaign will be starting with the Abortion issue.

This week on Friday the Job report will be a key one and traders will be comparing last month’s numbers, it is the last report before the election and the Trump administrations would like to see more hiring.

In two weeks the earning season will kick-off which will show how the corporate world performed in the last quarter, and even though some softness will be witnessed in the numbers, we all expect that as many parts of the world have still not normalized yet.

The Presidential debate will also fluctuate early poll numbers.

On the other hand, the world is waiting for a Vaccine, which is about to come. We already predicted that the Vaccine will get released anytime in the first few weeks of October.

The third quarter of 2020 will end on Wednesday, everyone would like to see a strong ending but lets see whether the markets trend supports it or not.

We also have to remember that most of the global equity markets are either close to where they started in 2020 or a bit lower. In my view the market and central banks handled the situations very seriously during pandemic, otherwise globally the financial market could have self-destructed. The North Node was prepared for this destruction, but Saturn and Jupiter played their role very well to keep the world floating.

The Astro combinations are the only tools available to humans which tells us what is coming in the future, but unfortunately hardly anyone believes in the astro-cycle, and those who do are very few in number. We know how difficult it was for me to make people trust our theory. Even a small error and people always point it out, but we always had trust that Wall-Streeters will slowly but surely  start believing in our theory, and they will add this theory to their trading and investment strategy. So far we have been able to guide investors who planned investments as per our forecast for the longer term have created wealth over the last 25 years.

So far this year the best advice we were able to provide: It was difficult to predict that the market would bottom out on the 22nd of March 2020, with the prediction that S&P won’t go below 2200 but we already mentioned in book and also on 22nd March we stated “Go all in”. It was also an important advice we provided at the same time that the USA markets may test an all-time high by July 2020.

I don’t know how many people really appreciated the prediction of rise in the market from the 22nd of March 2020, because we were going through a historical uncertain time, where no one knew what is coming next or what will happen tomorrow. The way people were dying in Spain and Italy was heartbreaking, the world was in a lock down, and our generation hasn’t seen something like this. Rise in most of global market from 22 March 2020 prediction was completely impossible to make but we fearlessly did, and that’s the reason I devoted my life to understanding the astro cycle and its hidden impact on everything around us. It is a great science, but not many people are practicing so it remained a like cult subject. How the planets impact our behaver pattern is amazing. Sometimes you get a feeling and you make a decision that brings great results, and you feel that it was best decision you have ever made, but this is done by nature because nature initiated that thought in your mind. Most of our right decisions come when we are passing through a positive astro time cycles.

I have seen that all my decisions and predictions went wrong when there was a Scorpio Moon making transit, or when aggressive planets move though the house of Scorpio, or North Node moving through the house of Cancer.

On one side is the market, and on the other side is our individual life. If your astro time cycle is not good, then one should not try to speculate otherwise the results will be very bad. Great people on this planet went through failures and rises. If the foundation of one’s Astro chart is positive, then that person can get out of their negative time cycle easily after facing hurdles. If the foundation of the Astro chart is negative and those people have a one rise, and after that their era ends very badly.

In young age between (12 to 29) reading the astro charts of individuals was my bread and butter, but then I decided to change my path, I decided to put out my predictions for the masses so a large amount of people can benefit.

Final note: Lets me tell you one thing very clearly, and that is that the Astro cycle is one of the precious tools provided to us by nature to understand nature, which can help us find a path to the future. I will be dedicating my life to this subject. Slowly but surely, I am more bending towards a spiritual life, but my way of spiritual life will not be leaving everything and mediating in isolation. I would like to lead my spiritual life living among the 7 billion people of this world so that I can understand the fundamental value of this life.

Nature is great and so kind that it has given us birth and left us alone to experience everything in one lifetime. Now it is up to us to see how far we go in this one lifetime. All the tools have been provided to us by nature. Everything is hidden within us and every second nature is taking care of us so let’s try to reveal or resolve the mystery of our birth. I think this is the task provided to us by nature, and it is watching us to see how many of us are able to finish this task or able to come closer to reveal this mystery of living life.

I want to end this topic here and leave the decision to our readers to adopt their own way to search the meaning of life. The starting point is to open the door, and that door will not open with any key, it will only open with the “code” called “Meditation”, as it is the master key to revealing the mystery of our life.

Here is this week’s strategy for metals, indexes, currencies, energy, grains, softs, and Bond from the 28th of Sep to the 2nd of October 2020:

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Here is the current cycle from our 2020 Financial Prophecies book:

Seventh Cycle: From the 17th of August to the 4th of October

This will once again be a very volatile cycle, and I strongly recommend selling stocks during this period. Do not hold any long positions in tech and financial stocks as prices will fluctuate very fast, so have some sort of hedging strategy without holding any naked buying positions.

Hold some put options and buy some UVXY during this period. I still see biotech stocks performing very well during this cycle, so it will be very interesting when Tech and all the other sectors are trading negatively, and biotech outperforms all the sectors. If you see biotech performing well then you should start building positions in it as it will continue to perform well throughout the year.

In our book “2020 Financial Predictions” we mentioned the below in the stock market sections, I think it was a fantastic prediction which guided us by the astro cycle:

Sixth Cycle: From the 1st of July to the 16th of August

Once again, this will be a very bullish cycle for the market, so stock and equity prices will gradually start moving higher. I strongly recommend start buying tech, financial, and biotech stocks. Some aggressive movements will come in these sectors, and if I am not mistaken in my readings of the Astro cycles, all the major global market will hit an all-time high. This is especially true for the US and India. Europe and Japan will also move higher, and China will also trade positively.


This is a fantastic cycle to make a great amount of money in tech and biotech stocks. Mining stocks will also gain handsome value during this period, so buy mining ETF’s like NUGT of JNUG. You can also by tech and biotech ETF’s like SOXY and LABU. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma