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Small part of weekly newsletter 8-12 Feb 2021...thanks you for your support and Condolence

Weekly Newsletter from 8-12 February    

We are approaching toward interesting time era…

Thank you all for the condolence messages and for all the great support you have sent my way. I appreciate it more than I can express.


Dear Members,   

Nature is unique and kind, and just we need to understand it from every angle because it never does anything wrong to us, it just shows us all different kinds of experiences. Everything stays alive until it takes its last breath, but no one knows what happens to us (our soul) after that.

I was in Haridwar (Hari- God, Dwar-door) today, as we Hindu’s believe that what remains of us physically after our final rites gets offered to the river Ganga, and once we do that, the soul gets detached from the body and travels for 40 days to heaven.

After the deep meditation I got some answers about life, nature, and the soul at Haridwar today. I felt peace today after I got an answer, and I am sure it will reveal a small mystery around us, so let me write it here:

The Physical Body requires a soul, and the soul also requires a body, but while I was in deep thought and meditation, and the conclusion was that nature plays the key role of being a bridge between the body and the soul, and that how life begins. There is a soul (life) in every particle of Nature, and that’s the reason why life is not possible without nature.

I saw my father’s last breath as I was holding his hand in one of mine, and my other hand was on his chest, on his heart. His last breath was at 07.05 PM and I saw the most unique charisma of nature which I have never experienced before, so I thank nature for allowing me to be there with him on that day at that time, so that I could experience this most unique and mesmerizing part of nature. He took one big breath with a louder than normal sound which lasted about three seconds. I felt the circle or pocket of air, which was the most unique, it touched my body and dissolved in nature. I Immediately told my wife that he was no more. His body was there, but was not able to take the next breath, so that pocket of air that he took when he was born went away, and then the normal breathing cycle stopped. I saw the soul depart with last breath.

Like all children, I loved my father so much, and my dad revealed a mystery that I was always in search of, to know about the Soul and its relationship with nature and the body. He resolved the mystery so simply, and nature kept me awake that day to experienced it. Wow, life is the most beautiful thing, and it has an amazing relationship with nature. Our body has its limitations, it can work all day and night and can reveal new mysteries every day and force you to experience thing news. It is like a never-ending process, but the soul simply plays a role in providing us limitless experiences  in one human life, if we remain awake and without ignorance. 

I don’t know how many years I will write letters on the financial market because in a few years, my Jupiter cycle is starting so nature may take me on a new path which may lead me towards the hidden treasure of nature, the place where the wave of nature’s cycle starts and ends, and yet that cycle keeps on going without stopping.

I am thankful to nature that we are connected to each other, and hopefully in future we may walk together on whatever path nature allows us to.

Our book 2021 Financial Prophecies book will help you make all the trading decisions today with monthly predictions for commodities, currencies, US market, each of the global markets, and stocks for 2021. It also has the most detailed predictions for Crypto, REAL Estate, weather, natural disaster, and Bond predictions. The cost of the book is just $1.70 on daily basis. You spend more on a small cup of coffee.

Stay long in lithium and EV car related areas as huge momentum is expected, so hold longs and keep adding positions.

In our book, in the first cycle of the market with First cycle from the 1st of January 2021 to the 21st of February 2021:

This will be a positive cycle for the Market, and though the third week of January will be a bit bumpy for five trading days, after that the market will start moving can buy metal sections of book.

Metals predictions from book: In our book we mentioned this for the first cycle: First cycle from the 1st of January to the 15th of February During this cycle precious metals will bottom out at $1841; we are strongly recommending staying long in precious metals if you are buying during this cycle around lower side, keeping in mind there will be many occasions’ when volatility will occur during this period.

During this period, between the 4th of January 2021 to the 28th of January 2021 we may see metals performing mixed and forming a bottom around the lower side, but after that we may see prices starting to recover book to read complete 2021 monthly cycle for metals. 

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Thanks and God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma