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Most interesting era starting for investors...Small part of weekly newsletter 22-26 June 2020...

Weekly Newsletter from 22-26 June 2020

Volatility time is arriving but read this this week letter carefully…


Dear Members,

Today let’s talk about the important areas of geo-politics and the global financial market under the influence of the current astro combinations. Todays letter is very is important for every trader or investor who invests any amount in the market because a new era is starting.

Let’s start with geo-politics:

As per our theory December 2019 Corona virus started, it become a real ghost from the 15th of February, and is still dominating the global scenario. Jupiter changing its house on the 30th June, which means the dark cloud will start disappearing. Globally Coronavirus will peak out in the next nine days. From the 1st of July cases will start dropping but an important drug or vaccine will come out. Corona Virus ghost only has ten days left so let it create final panic, but we need to remain calm. Between the 29th of June to 23rd of September 2020 a Vaccine will be out so the world will be 100% Coronavirus.

Geo-politics will remain tense until the 3rd of September, as the situation between USA/China, India/China, China/Hong Kong, China/Taiwan, China/Australia, and China/Europe will remain will tense. You can see that China is in center of attention everywhere. The Astro combinations are not that supportive for China but if you remember my letter of February 2020 stating China’s financial market moving higher from June. At this stage the final positive cycle will end next year for China and after that economic disaster time will start, it will be the great fall of the Dragon from 2022. World may get surprised with China’s equity bullish trend from June 2020 as predicted.

It is not that great an era for commodities, especially mining from the end of this year. End of mining era is coming, from 2021 most of the mining stocks will lost 50 to 70% value, we may see next four months positive trend for mining stocks. Gold mining stocks will perform amazingly well until November 2020. HUI and mining elf’s will do very well, focus on gold stocks only.

We already predicted in April 2015, the end of the era of oil, and since then the energy market has been struggling. On the 5th of January 2020 we predicted that $64.25 will be top for oil in 2020, we recommended aggressive short on the day when Irani leader Soleimani was killed and oil went sharply higher. I am very proud on the astro cycle theory which provided an amazing amount of accuracy on the oil market over the last twenty years, in fact none of energy market analysts on this planet even came close to our accuracy of predicting for the Oil market. We predicted every move in oil, in fact two months ago we recommended buying it at $9.55 was great call with a target of $33.65 and $40.11.

The Era of agricultural commodity is about to begin, plan your bet currently on agri commodities.

The world business cycle has stopped, and nothing big is happening in the world apart from a few companies are working day and night to bring Vaccine because whichever company gets approval will move in 10 to 50 folds so surely returns will be too high.

The Global equity market has been recovering on the expectation of opening up economy, but this will be proven wishful desire, the real economy will only open from September 2020 so the market will start acting uncertain from here onward. A top has been achieved in S&P and global market. Yes, tech and healthcare related stocks have great room to move further higher. As predicted volatility to start from 22 June 2020 but don’t expect a one sided fall or don’t expect S&P to re-test March 2020 lows.

From 2013 to 2015 we constantly stated that the valuation method needs to change because analysts were talking about the top for markets and most of tech stocks, but we warned analysts and encouraged investors to keep holding and adding tech stocks. This was the most unique advice we provided and many big boys in Wall-Street appreciated and are apricating this advice. Those who sold stocks like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Adobe, Tesla, and many hundreds between 2012 to 2015 are really sad as they missed lifetime money making opportunity.

My job is to guide about the coming time and where to place your bet. Out of 100 predictions, 95 and advice proven very vice. Many known analyst and advisors in the financial market follow our work very closely, and many big name are subscribers but unfortunately I can’t mention their name due to privacy, and they can’t mention our name because it will be not good for them. Many still remains very skeptic about the astro-cycle advice.

I still recommend investors to keep adding the astro cycle theory to your investment and trading decisions along with all other indicators like Fundamental, Technicals, etc.  

The Future of technology and healthcare/Biotech stocks looks great. Apple can become five trillion company; Amazon can move in another five folds very easily and many disruptive tech companies can move ten to fifty folds. Watch how Apple and Amazon will playing key role health monetary, in 2011 when we were talking about AMAZON moving towards $2500 to $3000, many were skeptical. Hardly 1% of our followers believed our predictions of Tesla moving towards $1000.

Many great American companies are there, and they are controlling the tech world, they can still move 10 folds higher. Even current valuations are justified 100% because it won’t be possible to build a new company like Apple along with the eco system and what they are doing with every area of life to connect with Apple technology. 

 Don’t think for the short term, don’t focus on short term trading otherwise you will miss opportunity of building great amount of wealth. Since last twenty-year one thing I have saying that don’t invest for the short term and medium term, don’t follow charts and any other short-term news because they can only misguide investors. I haven’t seen anyone making a fortune trading by technical charts, without a longer-term strategy one really can’t remain in the market. Short term aggressive speculations could be avoided, yes 10% of capital one can put on risk but not entire capital.

Any way’s, my final note is that you need to focus very clearly on tech and health related stocks because they will rule future coming time. If you read my “2020 financial Prophecies”, we predicted a great era of biotech to start and tech to keep moving higher. We only recommended these two sectors.

From here to mid-July you need to be carefully as both side volatilities may come in the market, S&P may test 2888 and 2808 very quickly and then stabilize. Surely Nasdaq may also follow S&P but remember that it is ready for 15000.

Watch the important support & resistance levels for this week (22nd – 26th June 2020):


My weekly newsletter is here so let’s talk about each area of financial market from 22-26 June 2020:

To read complete letter with metals, Indexes, energy, currencies, grains, softs & bonds weekly trend, you can, subscribe our weekly newsletter…

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma