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Some concern in geopolitics and markets is expected...dollar and these etfs rebounded as this weeks weekly newsletter from 13-17 Feb...

Weekly Newsletter from 13-17 February     

Markets may struggle and the dollar to perform well…


Dear Members,    

Astrological changes are very important; every event on this planet takes place because of Astrological time cycles and we become a part of every event knowingly or unknowingly. We get hurt if we are against nature’s forces and we enjoy it if we are walking along them. It applies to our personal and social lives, money, success, and inner feelings and emotions. We keep learning, making, and changing our decisions, but once we understand that nature is playing with us, successes and failures become a small chapters in an ongoing cycle.

Even the worst failure has its own story and path; even someone sitting in jail can explore life’s journey and experience new things in their daily routine. When a good cycle comes by, he will get a new vision and he will change within.

We have only one life, but we experience millions of things if we remain aware, because awareness is one of the most powerful tools or part of the brain which can take us to the next level in everything we do. Failure is not a bad thing because every journey starts with failure as every moves from then on helps guide one to next level. If we exit at the first sign of a failure, then we won’t be able to create history. I am not only talking about external things, but I am also talking about internal things which helps us in every journey.

I always tell my friends that whatever we can spend on ourselves or society is our money, and the rest are just numbers and illusions. Yes, money is the most important part to live in current world so we need to do things which can help us making money, but how we spend that is important. We must spend and do things which we love for us and others. If you are just acquiring wealth to make big numbers, then you will remain in an illusion or Maya. I always tell my friends to keep spending money on themselves and for a good cause and feel lucky that you can use or spend money every day rather than acquiring it.

Yes, awareness can tell us where and how to spend and do things which are important in life, so even when it comes to spending, one can mediate, and the inner voice will guide you on how you should spend. Believe me, if you spend money, more will come because the Astro cycle must keep everything in order. Yes, if one’s in a negative Astro cycle and is blowing everything every day in gambling… that’s a different thing. That is not spending; your true inner voice (the one that doesn’t wish for hedonism and self-destruction) won’t tell you to do that. 

In short, whatever condition and situation we are in, we should remain aware and must try to understand the message of the Astro time cycle.

Many of you have greater knowledge than me, but I believe whatever small knowledge we have, we should share, and that’s what I will always do. Please forgive me if I am doing any error or for my lack of knowledge.

The Current Astro cycle:

The Sun will be changing houses on Monday before the USA market starts, and the Moon will enter the house of Scorpio before the USA market opens. Venus will be changing houses on Wednesday. The Sun will be joining Saturn in the house of Aquarius, which is owned by Saturn itself. In Hindu mythology, Saturn is one of the Sun’s sons, and their relationship was not very happy. Saturn always felt negativity toward his father, so surely some kind of tension can develop in the world or unpleasant news can arrive. For the markets, this period will be not very good; we may see volatility in the financial markets.

On the other hand, on Monday, the Moon is in Scorpio’s house from the USA trading session, so stay away from any buying; lighten up positions and finish any pending work.

Venus will be moving to Pisces, which is Jupiter’s house. In Hindu mythology, Jupiter is the Guru of Gods, and Venus is Guru of the demons/Rakshasa. Their relationship is like that of enemies, but in Pisces, Venus follows the orders of Jupiter, which is good news.

So the Saturn/Sun and Jupiter/Venus Astro combinations are not healthy; we pray that the next 25 days pass smoothly for the world without any damage. We are recommending lightening up positions in the market, and only buy on any sharp corrections; remain a short-term trader as a sharp up and down move on both sides may come. If this period passes smoothly, then we may see an amazing era for markets.

Here is the Weekly Newsletter from the 13th to the 17th of February 2023:

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma