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Today's Trade & News

S&P bounced back from 2781 level as predicted, gold is following our theory accurately...great time to make money...

Dear Members, 

Here small part from Wednesday daily Flashnews: 

Wednesday’s Daily Flashnews 

S&P held 2781 level as predicted, it test 2781 and bounce back 100 points…


Dear Members,

I was bit nervous yesterday because I don’t want to see S&P closing below 2781 level and thank God it bounced back strongly after testing 2781 level. Our astro resistance and support levels are working well. Strong rebound in global equity market gave relief sign.

Currencies remained in the mix directions. Commodities also traded both sides, gold still acted well. Stocks started gaining value, and lets whether S&P bounce back above 2888 level to not, it needs to close above this level to give indications that worst is over.

Here is LODE TV interview which was done 10 days back. What we see for market, metals and other predictions. I am sure you will enjoy it.

Mars crossed 28 degree which is great relief sign. Tuesday finally market bounced back after last four horrible trading sessions.

Tech stocks bounced also, so there was aggressive buying came back in market.

Now 2912 will be crucial level, S&P may struggle to cross this one but once it do it than it will be back to 2973 level very quickly. I don’t see S&P going below 2781 level in the near future coming time.

We are see mix trend on Wednesday but still buying will be witnessed in the most of global markets. INDL and China will start rebounding from here. European markets will trade mix.

Mars is changing house on Thursday USA around sunset, many other planets will change house from Cancer to Leo in the next ten days. Market can move higher as we are expecting some kind of deal taking place between USA and China in September.

This is what we stated: Today I could have recommended buying aggressive positions in market but only because of Cancer Mars we couldn’t do it and we wanted to wait for another two days or if S&P comes around 2781 level which could be achieve on Tuesday before the market get over.

Tuesday will be once again volatile day because we see prices or indexes will move both sides. Many global markets will bottom out in the next three days.

On lower side S&P have major astro support at 2791, I don’t see market going below this level, in fact I don’t see market remaining below 2888 level for the more

Wednesday’s astro combination recommendation: Market bottomed out on Tuesday which is great news for investors.

Investors and traders takes huge risk betting in blind and our theory have been guiding our member so accurately that you can recover subscriptions cost in in few hours by taking small trade, subscribe to read complete report:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma