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Today's Trade & News

S&P can test 3200 to 3600? Will my prophecy will come true Apple buying Netflix or Telsa?

Dear Members,

If market act with Jupiter and along with north Node supports then S&P could move toward 3600 to 4200, I am writing very interesting predictions in the book but it will be challenging. Small note will be out in this move in tomorrow’s flashnews so wait for tomorrow’s flashnews.

Watch 2600 to 2615 level closely. Late today Cannabis letter will be out and what I see if that happens than we will see one of the finest bull markets of all time in this sector will take place.

Last week we recommended buying LABU (leverage biotech etf), biotech stocks are our second favorite sector, yesterday LABU it moved 18% higher.

Earning session is starting from middle of this week so get ready to take some aggressive trade.

Since last years I have been saying that either Apple will buy Netflix or Tesla, this prediction/prophecy will come turn.

I receive many emails on daily basis, unfortunately I don’t reply emails directly but put few important email’s answer in my flashnews or weekly letter if they are helpful to our members. Subscribe cost is nothing against the risk we take in market so please don’t expect answer from me via email.  

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma