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Today's Trade & News

S&P can test 3200 to 3800, and INDL Nifty could test 14755 level...

Dear Members,

Scorpio Moon played a role on Wednesday as predicted for most of market on Wednesday. We always have been recommended that no one side trading during the Scorpio Moon as Scorpio Moon pushes market both sides. Hundreds of times we stated that if market opens sharply higher then take a sell because chances that it could fall lower and if market goes sharply lower on any news (like yesterday’s) then buy because there are chances that market will recover.

On Wednesday we stated that there is Scorpio Moon so remain watchful as uncertainty could arrive, and it happens in late Asian trading sessions before Europe opens, China announced some more tariff on 106 item of USA goods.

Basically, this is small kind of trade war happening between USA and China, so far nothing major but it could move in that directions if Trump put more tariff. This is what we stated this week on Monday for Tuesday because we knew that Scorpio Moon will be coming: On Tuesday still volatility will continue, np major buying is recommended, but short traders can trade in and out. Don’t buy and hold positions this week Scorpio Moon may bring more volatility due to some international news or due to political fight in USA or economic policy fight with China.

We have provided Scorpio Moon date for whole year in our book “2018 Financial Predictions”. I received one email stating that “Mahendra, you are working very hard to promote your book”. My answer is nothing wrong in that because I feel that middle-class investors those who can’t afford our services can plan their investment and trading strategy by following book. This year book looks great, and I believe that it will play a key role for many to give success in investment career. I leave decisions to my followers whether they invest $199 or $351 to buy book o not.

Anyways, S&P and other USA Indexes collapsed very quickly in electronic sessions, S&P test 2562 level but then bounced back by 90 points from lows and closed around 2648 level. Gold went higher on announcement but then it came down. One-time Soy bean went limit down but then recovered. Oil also received, and many base metals collapsed but recovered.

Don’t short or sell INDIA and CHINA. Every trader those who will invest in India and China will make fortune.

If market behave the way, we predicted in this week newsletter then we may see S&P going toward 3200 or even 3800 level in euphoric cycle. Nifty Indian market could test 14750 to even 17555 level by 2019.  

One of the know hedge fund manager said that, “Mahendra your call on emerging market looks very interesting and we going along with you from today”.

Enjoy life with close family and friends, please fulfill your dream if you make money and help need to fulfill their dream. Life is too short, I started astro study at age 9, and now I am running in to 51 and I don’t know how much time is pending in my life. I am trying to do my best to guide, but few time I failed like last year.   

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma