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Today's Trade & News

Thank you for great response...S&P has power to move toward 3800 to 5000...

Dear Members,

I am sure you must have enjoyed book “2020 Financial Prophecies” and planed your trading and Investment strategy for 2020. I have receiving great feed from most of book buyers which so surely, I am happy that I published this year’s book. Yes, it is one kind of book, it is not a story book, this book has detail outlook of every market, every currency, most of metals, oil, Gas, grains, softs and Thirty-Year bond. If you haven’t bought book yet then must book as I highly recommend as trader and investor.

Last week proved to be one of the best trading weeks for the market, metals, and energy, as we were able to guide traders very accurately. I have been stating that you have to put all the other indicators on the side and just follow what we have predicting for the markets, commodities, and currencies because our accuracy will get helped by the current astro cycle.

I have been receiving many emails but today I would like to put few emails from my members, because they touch my heart but most Important that people have trust and hope on me so better I must come 100% accurate to keep that :

Dear Sir, 

Sadar pranam. 

I am indeed very thankful to you for writing the 2020 book and am glad that I purchased it immediately. It is a great work Sir. 

I will be pleased if you kindly enlighten me on astro cycles. I am highly confused on how the astro cycles for various things are arrived at. 

Sir I am a student of Financial Astrology. Sir you are my Guru Ji.  My only son is an autistic child. He can not speak. When I look at several others like my son, I feel very sad about them and want to help the poor parents who cannot afford their treatment and maintenance. 

Sir financial astrology gave me a ray of hope that I will earn large sums of money to serve the people. It is my dream to do something for the society, because I may not get rebirth as humans. 

Kindly help me. 

Best regards, Pravin


Dear Mahendra,

Thanks for your lifetime of work to bring us these predictions.  It helps me so much!  I also appreciate the gifts of free reports that you send us from time to time.  I have a feeling that with your guidance I will have the best year ever.  The luck factor will be combined with your careful analysis--a combination to be grateful for.

Be well!

Dr. Lars Mazzola



Hi Mahendra

I have just purchased the 2020 prophecy book and have taken a trade in Palladium based on what I have read so far in the book ... really appreciate that what you offer is based on your best assessment through astrology and know you cannot guarantee 100% ..... as I say to all my friends and family with any investing in the stock market " You put your money up and take your chances ".

I feel you are definitely on the right track with Palladium a couple of questions 1. How certain are you this won't go above the 2135 figure in the book?
2. Timing wise is it more likely the 15th of 25th Jan when the price starts falling, would you do this trade yourself ?.

You have made some incredible calls on so many fronts and no doubt made many people very wealthy... I lost my wife suddenly two years ago and if someone gave me a choice " I will give you untold wealth or would you like your wife back" I would take my wife back every time because family is supreme and life is very fragile as you know yourself with your own brush with death with a heart attack... enjoy every day and appreciate the gift of life.
Take care and wish you all the best my friend.

Kind Regards

Robert Dean

Eugene Krawiec

10:07 PM (7 minutes ago)
to me
Mahendra….Thank You for the work of writing the 2020 Book …Just started reading , excellent will be in my prayers each morning. 

I am just doing my job with honesty and I never feared and felt shame whenever I was wrong, I always accept my errors and move on and try that, that same error doesn’t take place because people keep great faith and hope in my work.

I strongly see a bullish trend in gold and at the same time markets will move higher. It is the first time in many years we will see the market and gold walking together so it is great news for all investors to make money.

This week the Sun will be changing its house and will enter Capricorn, which is the house of Saturn. Saturn will join Sun on the 24th January which is a great combination for investors. Watch my every prediction closely as we may be able to surprise the world with the level of accuracy.

Please don’t share our predictions with others, just tell them to subscribe to our services if they wish to. Please play a small role in support our work by promoting our work in your own way.

This week looks positive for metals early in the week, during the middle of the week the market will bounce back. Emerging markets will make some heading, but European markets will struggle.

Precious metals will outperform base metals, and oil will bottom out once again around $57.88. Coffee will make a short term bottom.

I feel and believe that 2020 and 2021 are great years for investors to make money but remain open minded, don’t love or hate any commodity, currency, or market. You are here to trade to make money, not to get into a hate and love relationship. At this TESLA our most favorite stocks is making big move, it look like that $750 this year target will get achieve very soon. Since last year we have been recommending aggressive positions in Tesla.  

I am in Singapore and a bit busy so without writing more let me start this week’s weekly newsletter here.

I finally reduced my subscriptions cost on request of many. Also book price for individual sections is reduced.  

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma