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Today's Trade & News

This is final flashnews update, also 14 hour left for new prices

Dear Members,

This week all major markets are trading as predicted in newsletter. Any Weakness in Dollar Index should be taken as buying opportunity. Euro, BP and Yen will move down sharply. Next target for dollar index is 80.93. In newsletter we mentioned that Monday, Tuesday dollar weak trend and Wednesday sideways but later Wednesday buying time. Next target will write on Friday.

Metals have achieved predicted top target of this week and now time to sell, so any rise during today and tomorrow morning should be taken as selling opportunity in copper, gold, silver and Platinum. Current prices of gold is $1081, silver $1560 and copper $298 and these are great level to sell, as in our this week newsletter we mentioned that from Wednesday metals will start falling down.

This week best recommendation is buying grains, so add corn today and carry forward trade to next week.

Soft commodities, like sugar, coffee, cocoa and cotton to move down, but this week they may trade sideways.

Treasury bond is great sell so take sell position today around 118.30.

Buy FAZ, SMN, EDZ and sell GDX. Stock market will trade sideways or weak from late today.

Oil will remain weak, first two days it traded as planet guided us. This week higher side our target was $73.80 and one can sell around this prices. Natural gas has fulfilled our both side trading range now we recommend staying away from Natural gas.

Important Note: From tomorrow morning new prices will get effected for Newsletter and Flash News.

News flash new price will be $900 from $450.

Yearly Newsletter from $2390 to $3000

One month from $270 to $345

Three months from $750 to $950

Six months from $1250 to $1625

Yearly consultation from $21000 to $30000

We care for quality members and reader who can really plan their investment well.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 10 Feb, 3.00 am New York