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Today's Trade & News

This is what we stated yesterday - Zuma is gone as predicted, big good news for Rand and South African Market as sun will shine on SA...

Thursdays Daily Flashnews (Unedited report)

Base metals are trading sharply higher it, looks like that they can keep moving higher with precious metals for next one month…


Dear Members,

So, far this year everything is trading as predicted expect base metals so we are withdrawing our predictions of short base metals for the next 48 days.

On Wednesday USA market opened negative but then started gaining and closed to ingesting level. Most of emerging market will move higher so stay tight with long positions. S&P has chances to move toward 2750 but to remember to book profit. UVXY closed lower as expected, we are sure many of you must have book profit and get ready to buy some positions below $16.00 as mentioned yesterday. 

Gold, silver platinum and most of base metals moved aggressively higher on fall of USD. Once again gold tested $1357 and close to important level of $1364 level. We are not recommending any short or sell in base metals from here onward as I would like to see behavior pattern of base metals on rising trend of gold. GLD, NUGT, JNUG moved another 14% so huge move came this week in mining stocks. They are our favorite in 2018.

Yesterday we stated that get ready to buy US Dollar index at 88.71 level, and below this so get ready to but.

Softs traded mix, grains traded also mix. Thirty Year came down sharply lower and tested 143-00 level.

Oil moved higher, we are sure you must have covered all shorts in oil and other energy products, we are not recommending any new long or shorts in energy, currently gold is our favorite trade.

Yesterday’s recommended two stocks AMAT and CSCO both performed very well today.

This is what mentioned yesterday: Tuesday dollar traded negative against frontline currencies and we are sure you must be getting ready to buy USD on Thursday as recommended in this week newsletter. Commodities moved higher on weakness of USD, specially metals and grains were up. Soy oil traded negative but energy prices traded both sides.

On Tuesday South African market and etf made big move on hope of Zuma is going which is great news for the SA market as during his regime corruption and mismanaging country was clearly saw. During his regime unemployment rate moved sharply higher and security issued remained very concerning. Zuma was total failure for South Africa and ANC is taking now right directions to removing him from power. Zuma going out can push South African market another 3000 point higher in the short term. According to his chart, he may refuse to step down but rising positivity in ANC astro chart will finally able to push him away from holding top positions in the country. I can call it new beginning of ANC and Sun will shine on South Africa.

Softs, Thirty Year remained in the mix directions but held value very well. Equity market traded stable, but USA market gained value from lower sides.

Crypto looked confused but etfs and stocks of Crypto are making strong bottom.

On Wednesday AMAT and CISCO shall be in your buying list as both these stocks will announce earnings. We expect 10% higher side move in both these stocks.

Indian market is our most favorite in 2018, so stay long in Indian market ETF’s and stocks.

Our book is great source which will able to guide buyer about 2018 outlook. It will take you in to future and will guide you what will going to happen in 2018 in every area of financial market and every region of world. Book is must buy, don’t judge book by few days volatility, just focus on what is hidden in 2018. Our book “2018 Financial Predictions” is great handbook, cost is just $1.00 for day. Those who are still thinking about buying the “2018 Financial Predictions” can order by clicking here or on the order page of our website:

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma