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Today's Trade & News

This week earning, Thursday recommended stocks should move higher..

Dear Members, 

On Tuesday we recommended:

Earning of on Wednesday, buy  SEDG for Wednesday earning (stock open 12% higher and now 9% higher after announcing earning report),

Earning buying recommendations for Thursday, these stocks also we recommended to buy on Tuesday for Thursday earning and we are sure these should move 10% or more higher after earning announcement on Thursday after market closes. LVLT already announced and it is trading higher by 8%, after in few hours all these stocks will announce earning report (expecting big move): NEWR $28.57, IPHI $25.48, RNG $21.70, QRVO 37.15, LVLT $47.36 and TTMI $5.48.

We are sure you must have enjoyed our new book 2016 Financial Predictions, we are sure this book will change new investing style of main-street and Wall-Street investors, click here to buy book:

Thanks & God Bless


Mahendra Sharma, Santa Barbara 10.00 AM