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Today's Trade & News

This week is not good for world. Metals & US$ from Tuesday...

Dear Friends,
This week after Tuesday is not good for world.
World events:
According to planetary movements and in my vision, I see the coming of unfortunate days in the world during this week. This can bring a great natural disaster on the USA, the middle of Europe or Japan, key financial buildings may collapse (stock markets or banks), two or three plane crashes may occur within a few hours or attacks may claim thousands of lives in the Middle East or Iraq.
We pray that the week will pass smoothly.
On financial world market, I advised my members for this week in newsletter, to buy metals and oil on Tuesday and sell USA Dollar on Tuesday morning against Euro, Pound, Franc, Canadian and Ausi Dollar. Silver looking very interesting. Japanese Yen ready trade below 100 mark.
For gold very strong support level is $404, it will trade above this and from Tuesday rising starts.
Thanks and God Bless,
Mahendra Sharma