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Today's Trade & News

This week newsletter for free..wishing you prosperous new year

Dear Members,

The whole of last week I took a break and I also know that you people must be in the holiday’s mood. I hope that you have had great Christmas with your close ones. During this week the New Year will begin. Overall, this year must have given good results to metal and technology investors. Those who bought other currencies against US$ must also have made a great fortune. I know that many of you are still in a holiday mood; and why not, you should be.


Before I make the predictions for this week, I would like to wish you happy New Year in advance. May you have a great year with peace and happiness. One thing I would like to say here is that on the 1st of Jan, you should put down notes concerning your future plans. You should do this either early in the morning or late at night. You must include two things that you will do for the needy any where they are in the world and give some thing back to nature because we enjoy its abundant provisions for free.


Now let see what is hidden for last three days for this year: (29th December to 31st December). I will send New Year predictions on 1st January 2004 with brief predictions for the whole year on world financial market. If you have any special request on any specific commodities, stock market or currencies please send me an email.



During these three days of 2003, gold will hit another new high and most probably it will touch $418. If it crosses above $418 on Monday or Tuesday in New York trading, then soon in the next ten days it will trade around $432


I see a major rally in gold stock and holding the same prediction of not to sell at this moment.


On Thursday if I am here, then wait for my email with my predictions. However if I shall be travelling, then you shall receive some key predictions during the weekend.



I see a very strong bull rally in silver prices during this week. Prices will move ahead and surprise everybody by touching $6 an ounce. During this week, I will recommend to buy silver stocks and hold for a few weeks.



The Euro is going towards 1.28 and the British pound is going towards 1.82. For those who have been following my predictions, these were my predictions in December 2002. Wait for a big surprise from the Japanese Yen because it will soon go below 100.


Stock Markets:

The stock markets are moving higher. They will trade at around the same level but I still hold my predictions for a major crash soon.


Thanks & God Bless,

Mahendra Sharma