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Today's Trade & News

This week newsletter for review here...some good trade's for longer term...

Dear Friends,

Here is small part of this week’s weekly newsletter, I am sure you will enjoy it.

Thanks & God Bless…MAHENDRA SHARMA

Weekly newsletter from 25-29 June 2012

Dear Members,

I am still in a remote place in India, and will reach Mumbai this Friday. This is first time in the last ten years that I am finding it difficult to connect to wireless internet. I want to keep this newsletter short but to the point.

Last week’s Astro combinations have proven very accurate. I think it is the most unique theory that can help traders and investors and give them the right path. You can be very successful if you are a serious trader/investor and if you include planetary movements with technical and fundamentals.

Here is this week newsletter from 25-29 June


This week on Monday metals will remain sideways or may move up a bit.

On Tuesday metals will start trading weaker, and on Wednesday metals will fall sharply and the weaker trend will continue until mid Thursday.

Late Thursday and Friday we may see some sharp recovery.

Last week gold and silver traded weaker as predicted. We are watching golds $1530 and silver’s $26.30 support level closely. If these metals fall below these levels then we may see huge corrections in both precious metals.

Precious metals stocks will remain weaker.

Here is Monday’s range:

GOLD: $1581.75 to $1557.10

SILVER: $27.07 TO $26.40



Platinum, Palladium and copper traded weaker as predicted. This week on Monday base metals may trade a bit positive but from Tuesday onwards all these base metals will fall and this weak trend will continue for whole week except for on Friday.

It is clear that base metals will follow precious metals.

Hold selling positions in base and precious metals as the higher side is very limited.

Here is Monday’s range:

COPPER: $333.90 TO $325.10

PALLADIUM: $617.00 TO $601.80 

PLATINUM: $1443 TO $1417



Last week the markets traded with volatility. We highly recommend staying away from for one more week. Emerging markets look great, as the planets are supporting Indian, Brazilian and Russian markets. Stay away from the European markets as well as retailer and energy companies.

Nasdaq, rare earth and uranium stocks will outperform all other investment areas. Keep adding these stocks to your portfolio.

S&P may bottom out around 1282 so keep cash aside as the greatest opportunity is on the way.

On Monday all major markets will remain sideways or bit positive and we expect the same on Tuesday.

On Wednesday we will see a weaker trend, and we will see S&P going towards this month low. On Thursday and Friday one should sell at higher price.

Monday’s trading range (September 2012 contract):

AUSTRALIAN (Cash) – 4215 to 4170

NIKKEI – 8839 TO 8739

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5155 TO 5027

SINGAP0RE (cash) – 2878.7 TO 2845.00

HONG KONG (cash) – 19095 to 18843

CAC – 3103 TO 3052

DAX – 6299 TO 6218

FTSE – 5501 TO 5425

S&P – 1337.75 TO 1311.00

NASDAQ – 2590.5 TO 2541

RUSSELL – 777.50 TO 756.25

DOW – 12659 TO 12465



Last week cotton prices went limit up and from Wednesday it started going limit down and closed limit down on Friday as well.

Coffee also traded very volatile, going sharply up early in week but then came down during the last two trading sessions.

Get ready to build up positions in coffee and cotton. We don’t see coffee going below $148.90 and cotton $66.09. These are the great levels to accumulate positions for the short, medium and longer term.

Build positions in both of these soft commodities from Thursday as they are on top of our recommended list for the second half of 2012.

Monday’s trading range:

COFFEE: $158.20 TO $151.05

COTTON: $71.10 TO $75.90



Avoid all these soft commodities for the next two weeks. Those who like to trade in and out should make decisions as per our flashnews.

Monday’s trading range:

COCOA: $2125 TO $2069

SUGAR: $20.93 TO $19.92

ORNAGE JUICE:  $124.55 TO $120.70



Last week Treasury bond failed to close above $150, and this is giving clear bear signals. Selling 30 year bonds will be a great medium term trade as during the next two to three months prices may fall to 139, so huge money can be made by taking selling position.

This week, treasury bond will trade mixed so trade in and out.

Go short if it reaches to 151 to 153 and hold positions for a few months and cover shorts if it reaches to 139.

Monday’s trading range:

TREASURY BOND – 148-28 TO 147-14 (Sep contracts)



Last week’s recommendation of buying Wheat has proven very accurate. It moved up from $609 to $670, and soy meal and soy bean also remained in a positive direction. Corn remained weaker and rice traded mixed.

Avoid corn for few more days, but don’t sell wheat, soy and meal at this stage.

Our medium and longer term view for grains is very bullish. Corn will also join the bull market soon after few weeks so wait for our buying recommendation. This year Soy, meal and wheat buying calls made good money for our members.

Get ready to build longer term positions in wheat and corn.

Monday’s trading range:

CORN: $618.75 TO $602.25

WHEAT: $692.25 TO $674.5

RICE: $14.65 TO $14.39

SOY: $1475.25 TO $1450.75

SOY MEAL: $432.25 TO $423.00

SOY OIL: 51.35 TO $50.23



Three month ago when oil was at $104.50, we targeted it reaching $78.80 by June, and this target got fulfilled. After S&P, selling oil recommendation has proven to be a great call, and sometimes it’s easy to make money when time gives clear indications.

the down side in oil is very limited. One should close 80% of your short positions in oil and you may get a buying opportunity during next week. No need to hurry, wait for our clear indications of buying.

This week oil will trade weaker or sideways and may trade in the trading range. On Monday we may see positive movements in the morning hours but later in the day or the next day it will start coming down and on Wednesday oil will see another low. Late Thursday oil prices may recover sharply and this positivity will continue onto Friday.

Natural gas will trade within trading range so trade in and out as the Astro combinations are not giving any clear indication on one side trade.

Monday’s trading range:

OIL: $81.08 to 79.79 August contract

NATURAL GAS: $2.75 to $2.57 August contract



This week currencies will trade mixed but the best trade will be buying Indian Rupee, Rubble, Peso and Rand as these currencies will gain value handsomely.  Trade in and out in all other currencies. Dollar still remains our favorite against developed market currencies like British Pound, Yen and Euro.

Yen’s Astro cycle of last week provided an accurate trend. Medium and longer term traders should hold short positions in Yen as our first target is 118 and next 110. Don’t miss out on opportunities like these in, Yen, coffee, Rupee and S&P. Metals and oil will provide trading opportunity on both sides, Thursday and Friday both these commodities area will perform well.

Monday’s trading range:

DOLLAR INDEX – 82.79 to 82.18

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 1.0050 to 0.99603

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9770 to 0.9701

BRITISH POUND – 1.5651 to 1.5479

EURO – 1.2629 to 1.2507

JAPANESE YEN – 1.2508 to 1.2408

SWISS FRANC – 1.0532 to 1.0429

RUPPEE – 57.29 TO 56.41

RAND – 8.42 to 8.29

Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma, Sunday 11.30 AM, Rajasthan India

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