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Today's Trade & News

This week newsletter. From next week you have to pay..

Dear Friends,
FROM NEXT - Monday my newsletter only available to subscribers. Bill has put on Le-metro that is why I am giving you here for free.
Dear Members,
I have just reached the office. I have done a detailed research on this week’s movement of commodities, currencies and world financial price movements. The worst news came out when I was reading the world chart because it indicated the coming of major negative world news that might affect world financial markets. Sometimes things go smoothly but nature or disaster can change things within a second.
You can read last week’s newsletter that will once again confirm the power and the flow of energy, which is ruled by the planets, and affects the world financial markets.
This week’s predictions (19th to 23rd January)
As I advised in the previous newsletter, we have seen the downward trend in gold prices during the last week. Monday and Tuesday are very important days because they will determine the short-term future trend of gold for this week. The very important level for gold is $404. It should not close below this price. If it does, then I see the price of gold dropping to $392, but chances of this are very unlikely.
If gold remains above $404 in mid day trading on Tuesday in New York, then I recommend that you accumulate the gold and gold stocks very actively without wasting time because gold will move so fast that you will not have a chance to buy it at the right price.
Please wait for my email tomorrow. You know that I am still very strong concerning gold in the long term and those trading gold on the long term should not worry of the current movement.
I see a great rise in silver prices and I am 100% confident that this week silver will break the relationship with gold and it will move with its own strength and power. (Last week I posted an email concerning this and it is still on my website). I recommend that you accumulate silver and silver stocks this week. I see it approaching towards new highs so just buy and please do not ask me why. Do not try to match it with gold price movements. This year my favourite metal is silver and I am sure that many of my members will make a fortune (remember the most needy and disabled in society). Don’t sell or go short on this. At $6.20 is great buying opportunity in silver and its stocks. 
Platinum and Palladium
From 21st January, I see a 30% rise in palladium prices from here $210 in a few weeks and platinum will cross $900 in 8 days. So I recommend that you grab this opportunity.
Oil and Energy:
Do not go short or sell oil. In the next 20 days oil, natural gas and gasoline will touch a two years high.
This is the best week and right time to sell all your grain contracts or positions if you have any. I wont recommend buying any grains especially wheat, corn and Soybeans.
Last week I predicted the rise of the US dollar in the short term. For this week, the Dollar will rise on Monday but from Tuesday at midday till Friday the dollar will remain very volatile. The best advice according to moon is not to trade in currencies. If you have guts then trade for only five hours and close positions within 5 hours that is two houses of the chart. But there is a great opportunity to buy the Japanese Yen. For the time being forget the Euro, Pound, Swiss Franc and Dollar and trade in the Japan Yen because within 10 days the Japanese Yen will gain and it will trade around 100 against US Dollar. You don’t need other currencies to trade in because I have given you the best.
Those who have sold the Euro, Pound and Swiss Franc on my advice can start covering form Tuesday.
Stock markets:
On Monday and Tuesday the world markets will remain very strong but on Tuesday in the last hour of US trading shows some volatility. As I said, bad news is indicating on the world for this week and this could spoil the bull market. You must read the world events because they are closely related with the markets.
World events:
According to planetary movements and in my vision, I see the coming of unfortunate days in the world during this week. This can bring a great natural disaster on the USA, the middle of Europe or Japan, key financial buildings may collapse (stock markets or banks), two or three plane crashes may occur within a few hours or attacks may claim thousands of lives in the Middle East or Iraq.
We pray that the week will pass smoothly.
Thanks and God Bless,
Mahendra Sharma