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Today's Trade & News

This week newsletter is here as a gift....

Dear Friends,

Here is part of this week newsletter, this is week again proven very accuarte, all thanks to planetary movement.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma


Dear Members,

Last week S&P moved up sharply, with metals, energy and grains. Dollar gave up some gains on Thursday and Fridays as expected. Most importantly, markets have been trading with planet movements and natural waves. European debts crises are settling down as bailouts for any weak country are considered inevitable, but EU is poised to print huge amount of money. Deficit in India is rising and now everyone has grown concerned about China because its inflation-fighting monetary policy might slowdown China’s growth, which could ripple through all financial markets, especially commodity markets.

Anyway last two months planets have guided us very well. Let’s get right to the trends in this coming week.



This week positive trend will continue in gold on Monday and Tuesday but Wednesday will be the right day to get out from Metals and metal stock positions. Anytime from Wednesday or early Thursday gold will move down big so don’t take any risk in metals. Thursday and Friday gold can fall minimum five percent.

Trading range will be $1,423 to $1,363. Higher prices can get achieved during early this week and lower side prices can get achieved during Thursday or Friday.



This week silver will follow gold, but will get weaker during on Thursday and Friday. Monday and Tuesday silver prices will move higher. Wednesday anytime weakness will come like in gold so get out from all long positions. Trading range will be $30.28 to $28.23.

Note: Sell gold and silver on the rising trend of late Tuesday or Wednesday during opening of USA market.



This week from Wednesday all major base metals will start moving down so take short positions in base metals from late Tuesday. We are expecting minimum three to five percent fall in base metals, especially Copper, Platinum and Palladium.

Zinc, nickel and aluminum will move down sharply as well.



All major stock market will try to follow US market but they fail and US markets will keep moving higher and higher. Our last few weeks’ recommendations of buying DOW and S&P have proven very accurate. This week USA index will keep moving higher so any weakness should be taken as a buying opportunity in S&P. Stay long in US indexes.

European markets will follow US indexes but Asian markets will fail so avoid any significant buying in Asian markets. So far our view has come 100% accurate on money flowing out from emerging market and going back to USA market. This trend will continue.

Higher side S&P will touch 1,238. And lower side 1,216. Avoid Indian, Chinese and middle-east markets.



Buy bonds on late...



This week Monday and Tuesday all soft.....



Last week all major grains moved up as predicted....



Last oil prices surprised us by moving higher than predicted prices. This week oil prices will remain sideway or weak. In coming time oil will fall back to $72 so avoid taking any long position in oil. This week oil will start trading weak from late Monday and weakness will continue the whole week despite of positive trend in metals and grains on Monday and Tuesday.

Trading range of oil will be from $89.50 to $82.80, which means significant corrections in coming in crude oil prices. Natural gas will remain in a positive trend so hold positions in gas. Trading range of natural gas will be from $4.32 40 $4.68.....



Last week all major currencies traded as predicted. We expected some profit booking in Dollar which we saw on Thursday and Friday. Great time has come again to acquire long positions in DOLLAR so get in now. Monday is the buying time in Dollar. Keep adding dollar on any weakness because dollar will move up sharply during this week. Some weakness may come on Wednesday but don’t get feared. Buy more on weakness. Trading range will be 79.12 to 81.30.

Japanese Yen traded as predicted in last week newsletter. This week Yen will remain positive but upside potential is very limited. Trading range will be 1.2230 to 1.1880. Tuesday and Wednesday Yen will remain weak. Monday and Thursday it will remain sideways or weaker so trade accordingly.

Australian dollar will remain weaker during this week so take advantage of selling on Monday and hold short positions.  Range will be 0.9930 to 0.9660.

Canadian dollar will trade sideways but surely it will trade weaker after late Wednesday or Thursday. Monday and Tuesday it will trade positively. Get out from Canadian dollar position on Wednesday. Trading range will be 0.9980 to 0.9710.

Swiss Franc will remain weaker as well against USD and Yen but may remain positive against Euro and Pound. Any rise should be taken as a selling opportunity in Swiss franc. We see trading range of 1.0270 to 1.0020.

British Pond will have huge set back during this week so avoid any buying position in Pound. We see trading range of 1.5830 to 1.5430. It means Pound will have major correction during this week.

Upside for Euro is very limited from past Fridays’ close. Higher side it can touch 1.3430 and downside once again it will move back to 1.3080. Sell Euro on any rise.


Important note: I decided to stop uranium newsletter services from 1 Dec 2011 as early 2011, our Uranium Fund is coming out and there can conflict of interest. I was very excited with services and many members and new peoples have already subscribed so we will continuously send Uranium letter for the next one year. December Uranium letter should be out today evening. Those who like to subscribe can do it only for eleven months and I highly recommend that you subscribe this services because you will get in and out of this market.


Thanks & God Bess

Mahendra Sharma, 5 December