Financial weekly newsletter from 14-18 July
“The Truth”
Dear Members,
There is a crisis in the economy of the
Other regions have undergone crisis, notably the
At the time of writing last week’s newsletter, the planets indicated that the Dollar would be weak on Thursday and Friday and expected gold and silver to rebound during the same period. Indeed, gold, silver and oil strongly rebounded from their weekly predicted lows and gold even went far above our predicted price level.
This week I see stability in metals. Gold and silver will be positive on Monday in the Asian market but will remain sideways after opening of the
On Tuesday I expect flash trends on both sides. One can therefore sell if prices rise sharply and buy on sharp drops.
Wednesday’s trend will end stably albeit slightly negative.
Prices will be volatile on Thursday and Friday but Thursday will lean negatively while Friday will be more positive.
The trading range for gold this week will be $953.80 to $978.80. Silver will be more positive than gold with a trading range of $18.48 to 19.52.
Important Note:
The planets indicate a strong rebound for the USD from Wednesday. This positive trend will remain till end of the week.
With the exception of lead and nickel, all the other base metals will be weak and the planets say that the best strategy will be to buy precious metals like gold and silver and hedge the position by selling copper, platinum and palladium.
Sell copper and platinum as they will both be unable to take advantage of the current upbeat trend of metals and decline sharply FROM NEXT WEEK. Indeed I see copper coming down to $270 while platinum will approach $1500 by next month.
This week we are likely to see a sideways trend in coffee while cotton will remain slightly negative. One should wait another nine days before beginning to buy coffee.
Last time the planets helped very accurately predict a sharp correction in cocoa, with prices coming down more 8%. I see a weaker trend in these soft commodities and they shall once again get into a bear trend after one week. This bear trend is poised to last for the next two months. One should therefore sell sugar and cocoa on any rise as planets reveal a sharp drop of more than 50%.
Major markets are in a nasty trend and most people are unsure where they are heading. There are many conflicting views with the question being whether the markets are ready to rebound or if the worst is still to come. Unfortunately, the combination of Mars and Saturn portends that the worst is still pending. Compared to the
The picture of the Asian markets is not healthy; funds will keep withdrawing money from these markets as well as from European markets. Therefore don’t buy in Asia and
BUY the
Last week oil traded in the predicted range except that it went above our predicted price for a few hours. Energy and gold drew support from news in the ongoing tension between
This week I suggest staying away from oil trading. Its trading range will be $149.80 to $140.80. Once it breaks $140.80 then it will have free fall. Last week on CNBC, I mentioned trading range for oil would $146 to $118, I also said I do not see oil moving and staying above $146. It was challenging because other experts were talking about
Last week prices declined more than 10 percent in two trading days as predicted. Once again grains are in a bear trend and are set to sharply drop 35 to 45% in the next two months and you should therefore plan you trades well and time will give you handsome returns in coming days.
I can confirm that grains will drop more than 60% by December and it is therefore a perfect time to trade them. The maximum period that commodities bull market (only in oil and metals) can persist is a week and time has come to make money. Keep adding your position in grains during this week.
I understand how difficult it must be for you to hold the Dollar at the current period, and indeed the situation looks bleak for the Dollar and the
Last week we had negative news that the biggest house holding companies in the
I don’t wish to write much about currencies, but the one positive thing is that the Dollar is still holding above 72.00. Let us wait and see if it shall still be able to hold this week and move up on Wednesday. Range will be $71.88 to $73.78.
Final Note: Commodities will top out during this week and, seven week frail trend will start.
Thanks & God Bless
Mahendra Sharma, 12 July 2008, Mumbai -