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This weeks weekly newsletter as gift, historic war is coming in currencies..fall in stocks and commodities from here...

Financial Astrology – World war III will not be fought with guns and blood, it be a war of currencies and dollar will prevail


Dear Members,

For the past three weeks I have been completely off track about all major markets, and last week I stated that this could last till 30th May. A part of me wishes that I never published the newsletter for the last three weeks, but there was also a compulsion to do my job. As a result, a lot of my members have lost a fortune in the last week following the Dollar’s fall and the rise of commodities. I am therefore pained and saddened that my followers may not be able to fully take advantage of the forthcoming bull market, which is set to be one of the biggest in the history of the Dollar’s trading.


I know that some fund managers, bankers, commodity advisors and gold lovers are laughing at me, but I have always been faithful to nature, and it still guides me to stay with the Dollar. I don’t believe there’s anyone else on the planet currently calling the bull market of the Dollar, and though I may hold the minority opinion, I cannot turn my back or close my eyes when nature firmly holds my hand. Nature clearly reveals that there will be a bull market in two things: the Dollar and the DOW. The Dollar bottomed out in mid July 2008, went up from 72.00 to 89.00 and came down to 78.50 in December 2008. It eventually rose to 90.00 but on Friday it traded around 79.50.


Today I have decided to speak openly and without fear, and indeed it is a war against the so called high flying financial analysts, self acclaimed economists and market pundits. These advisors always shy away from giving fair advice that can benefit the common man because they are saddled by the fear of being wrong. It is therefore easier and more convenient for them to simply ride on the prevailing market trend or noise. When stock markets were falling early this year, no one dared come forward and say that it was a great opportunity to buy. Last year, all these advisors were in the band wagon shouting the fall of the Dollar but swiftly changed tune when it started to rise. Suddenly, they discovered many reasons why people should buy the Dollar and why it would continue to rise. Indeed, many of them called it a safe haven.


Incredibly, everyone has ganged up to prophesy its great fall since the Dollar began to trade weakly for the last three weeks, complete with reasons why it will continue to fall, including the budget deficit, Dollar printing and many others. As for us, our prediction has been fearless and consistent that the Dollar Index will move toward 100, 148 and eventually to 188. Since we don’t doubt planetary movement, we maintain our prediction that there will be a great bull market of the Dollar from here. I am not confused at all about the trend, and neither should you be derailed by market noise. Some members are sending me negative articles about the Dollar from the so called experts, but I request that this stops because I am very clear about what I am saying. I am confident about my prediction of the bull market in the USD as well as the stock market.


A lot of our members have taken a cautious approach and are currently staying away from buying the Dollar because they are too scared. This is perhaps understandable because there is a deluge of negative news flooding the market, but they are also missing a great opportunity for buying the Dollar. Indeed, it is like back in 2001 to 2004 when we were shouting that people buy silver at $4.50, oil at $20 and gold at $300.


If any one has reasons why the Euro or British Pound will move up, please send them to me because the Euro part in the Dollar index is 57%. I would like to ask those who can to give me fair reasons why the Euro would move up against the USD to do so. While I don’t know why the Dollar has been dropping in the last three weeks, it is certain that someone wants to push investors away from it. Indeed, the current downward trend of the USD will be the very reason for its coming bull market. As I recall, a sharp correction resulted in massive loses for metal buyers when gold and silver began trading positively in 2002 and 2003. Many of them were extremely upset with me because gold dropped sharply from $354 to $308. In the following year, gold dropped again from $448 to $372 in just a few weeks, and the same scenario was replicated in silver. I was also a buyer at the time, and it seriously dented my account as well as those of my close friends. We however never lost hope because I was very positive about the bull market in gold and silver; and it happened.


Commodities have not been in our favorites list for a while, and we therefore won’t buy any of them at this stage or in the future as there are other areas of investment like the Dollar and power/alternative energy stocks which are set to give better results. We foresee a terrible time ahead for commodities in shorter period, and we shall therefore avoid them for a few years except during specific periods when valuation and planetary movement will be favorable. Members should therefore stay away from commodities and try not to feel that an opportunity has been missed. A historic opportunity is on the way in dollar and Dow, therefore be patient.


One should not create big short term leverage positions whenever long term trends develop because a small move against you could easily throw you from the market. This is what happened to metal investors on several occasions in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005. In early 2006 we gave a prediction of a bull market in corn following the transit of Jupiter and predicted that corn would reach $800 from $200. I advised one of my clients to buy corn and he agreed. In early 2006, I bought 6000 contract of corn for him at a price of $205 against huge deposits to cover enough margin. However, my client became scared when corn moved down to $195, and he asked me to get out. That was actually the low and I told him that we had enough margin even if corn dropped to $170. My stop loss was at 180, but fear induced by negative news influenced him and decided to get out at 199. After we sold, corn went up to $435 within nine months (could have made $75 Million). Of course he would have made a fortune if he had held on, but this always tends to happen. Indeed, it is why most of investors never make a fortune despite being aware of the long term market trend. Most times they are right but somehow end up making mistakes or being thrown out from the market due to over trading (high leverage) or fear as well as dislike of certain markets.


One should never be hasty to build a big position when we see a big move in the long term. In early 2005, Michael, one of my friends and well-wishers told me that he wanted to invest in metals because I was prophesying a major bull market. His strategy was to buy ‘x’ number of contracts in gold and silver for a long period and forget about it, even if they fell for the short term, of course with adequate margin. I liked his idea and he traded. He was correct in the long run because though there was volatility on many occasions, he had enough money to cover the margin.


In short, we are nearing one of the greatest bubbles in the stock market and the US Dollar from here, and though the Dollar is currently in a short term downward trend, one should plan trades for the longer term without fear. A word of caution however; that is one should not take a big position at one go without enough money to cover margin. Our studies show that prices below 80.00 are akin to getting the Dollar for free and I advise fearless acquisition of the Dollar. Earlier this year in February, we said that prices of stocks were throwaway, and today this has proved to have been true. If you have a large position or big loss in the Dollar, then you can reduce the position if you can’t handle it. You should book loses and hold a small position, and soon you shall have sound sleep following the turnaround.


At this stage I am not inclined to enter into arguments regarding the move of the Dollar, even if people make fun of me and my work. Those who choose to stay with my predictions will soon be proved right regarding the Dollar and power/alternative energy stocks.


1.   One of the greatest bull markets is on the way in the DOLLAR AND ALTERNATIVE ENERGY. I don’t have any specific reason except astrological, there will be a war in currencies and soon that war will be start by USA. Dollar will go wild and it will move beyond all our expectation. All currencies will lose value everyday and then sudden rush from all central banks will push dollar to mountain high. There was a reason to predict great rise of dollar on 17 March 2008. Here is link on my website:


2. For the medium term, prospects for all commodities are very negative, and I wouldn’t invest a single Dollar in gold, silver, copper, oil or grains. I will take puts in commodities because the risk is locked when you play with puts in a speculative bubble market.



This week gold will have a weak signal on Monday, and the fall will continue till Wednesday. For the first three days, the trading range for gold will be $987.80 (maximum) to $951.80. Meanwhile, silver will follow the trend of gold and the trading range will be $15.97 to $15.11. If gold and silver remain positive on Monday and Tuesday then gold may hit $1033 and silver $18.10 in the next three weeks but chances are very slim.


There will be a recovery from lower prices on Thursday and Friday. Indeed, gold will recover from $951 during these last two days and it could even touch $965.80 by weekend. The trading range for silver will be $15.05 to $15.45 during that period.


Metal stocks will begin to trade weakly from Monday evening and they will fall for the first three days. Like metals, they will also have a small recovery during the last two days of the week.



We still expect to see long term weakness in copper and platinum. However, base metals will perform quite well in the long term compared to precious metals. This will be especially true for zinc and Aluminum.


This week copper will fight to dominate the trend and we see likelihood of its hitting a new high because it has the support of Mars. A strong run up could take copper up $242.8 if it trades above $221.80 for the more than 24 hours. Platinum will also remain a bit positive.


There will be a sharp correction in base metals from next week, and prices will hit multi-year lows. Meanwhile, there will be major volatility this week.



Both soft commodities will move down on Monday after trading positively. Coffee could rise from $138.70 to $141.80 on the higher side, but a sharp correction will follow. Cotton is poised to remain in a weak trend this week as there is no planetary support.



Both food commodities will trade in complete disregard of other commodities. I recommend selling sugar at current prices and expect a ten percent fall. Cocoa will also move down sharply.



They are in a long term bull market, and the party being enjoyed in the short term is likely to receive a severe jolt from the middle of next week. This week is the best time to take put options in the DOW, S&P as well as the Nasdaq. Meanwhile, all other markets are set to decline sharply. This week the markets will remain on a roller coaster before embarking onto medium term weakness.


All other markets will follow the trend of the USA market.



Grain prices are not moving higher with other commodities, and their prospects appear grim, with soy beans and soy oil looking particularly weak. Corn and wheat will remain sideways. We are at the best time to sell soy beans and hold your position for the next two months or until soy beans reach $780. Corn will enter into a bull market cycle from September, and prices will move up sharply with corn going up to $800 again.


Last week oil traded positively, despite the fact that there’s no clear astrological support. We therefore expect that the fall of oil will be severe, and this could happen from Monday. Sell oil fearlessly. Planetary positioning indicates that oil will soon see $42.80, therefore build your position by buying puts. Heating oil and RB gas will follow the trend of oil.



I don’t want to write too much concerning currencies as I have said enough in the first part of this newsletter. What I can say is that we have a life time opportunity for buying the Dollar and selling other commodities. We are unlikely to see current prices in the Euro, Australian and Canadian Dollars, Swiss Franc and the Yen. Pound will remain in volatile trend and may hit another multi month high but all other currencies looks weak. Sell Canadian dollar, Yen and Swiss Franc on Monday without fear.


Planetary combinations and the hidden wave of prophecy show that the USD will be on an ascendant path that will result in a historic rising. One shouldn’t forget that all currencies remain upward trend for seven years and gave back everything in the last seven months. Look at British Pond chart, so seller of dollar shouldn’t get excited because second wave will start soon.


IMPORTANT NOTE: The weak trend in commodities will begin feebly, but there will be huge volatility. The Dollar will bottom out this week; there will be panic movement and uncertainty. Our predictions and the market trend will firmly be back on track.


Best trades for the next five years: To fearlessly buy the US DOLLAR: we shall sell 12% around $97; the next 30% at $138 and sell the remaining 52% when the Dollar index hits $188. Buy Alternative energy and uranium stocks.



  • Sell soft commodities and grains, Sugar $15.60, coffee $139.8, Soy Bean $1184 or at opening on Monday.
  • Sell oil fearlessly between $66.50 to $66.90, or opening on Monday.
  • Sell Yen1.0530, Swiss Franc 0.9370, Australian 0.7998 and Canadian dollar 0.9195, or opening on Monday
  • Avoid metals unless they give clear sell single late Monday’s trend. 
  • Buy FAZ stock against bank share. 


Once again I see Monday US dollar bottoming out and top for all currencies, commodities and stock market.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 31, May