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This week's weekly newsletter small part strategy for metals, energy, currencies, Indexes, grains, softs and bonds..

Dear Members, 

Here is small part from this weeks letter: 

Weekly Newsletter from 29 August – 2 September 2016

Remain alert - Some uncertainty will enter silently for short period


Dear Members,

I strongly recommend to read first sections of our this week newsletter very carefully.

I have noticed that it is better for investors to remain side-lined for a short period whenever uncertain planetary positions take place; it doesn’t matter how bullish the trend may be for the longer term. This is a big lesson I learned lately from the rise of gold early this year (January to June) and the fall of the equity market (January to February). I also have experienced this in the first week of September 2004 for a few days, when gold and silver prices crashed overnight and I was very bullish for gold and silver for the medium and longer term.

Understanding planetary movements and analyzing changes in the behavior pattern of investors is so interesting because this gives birth to changes in the directions of the market trend and we can figure this out well in advance through astro cycles. I devoted my life to understanding the behavior patterns of investors and the markets movement by analyzing the astro cycles but still I have not seen that people are making fortunes, even though we have great accuracy in our longer term outlook. 

Let me tell you that understanding planetary movements is so amazing because I get glimpse into the future, and if what I see is rosy then there is no issue. I feel happy that our investors could make money from what I see and I can put out predictions like in 2001 for metals and in March 2009 for the market but if what I see looks negative then I get scared because I feel that investors will lose money. Like in 2007, I was so scared by seeing the crash in financial markets, banking industry and housing market, that I kept warning investors nonstop to stay away but hardly a few paid attention because their attitude was to wait and see whether I came true or not. They took it as a prediction when they should have adopted it as a warning and they should have acted fast. 

Currently traders, banks, financial institutions and investors are pumping money in gold and hardly paying any attention to our predictions of a crash in gold prices. We have been predicting a weaker trend in gold from mid-2011 when gold was at $1800/1900; since the last one year we have been stating that gold is going towards $775 or $550 but hardly anyone is paying close attention. Billions of dollar are at stake, many people’s whole life savings are an investment in gold and they think that I am talking nonsense. If anyone goes into my past history and takes a closer look at my predictions, then they will find out that most of the predictions that were made far in advance represented very closely what happened in the market. 

It will be interesting to watch what happens in gold from here onwards. I know investors can make a fortune if they focus well and plan well in the market with medium and longer term outlook and without involving too much with the short term. In 2008 our predictions of the fall in oil and crash in the stock market made a fortune for many investors who were holding put options in oil and the market. These are the kind of trades you have to look for, you can a wait week or months even without doing anything but surely the right trade will make you a fortune. As I always say, I have yet to find a single guy who consistently made money for the longer term by trading short term, so please keep your trading or investment strategy for the medium and longer term. Keep 80% money in medium and longer term, only 20% should be short term trading.

I always try to do my job with honesty and let me tell you that this theory of astro cycles is amazing; even I get scared sometimes because it is mind boggling how millions of miles away these planetary movements can work so accurately to guide what’s happening on our planet. Moon’s direction plays a key role with high tide and low tide, and changes in our daily behavior pattern. It is interesting to see how any individual’s behavior changes many times during 24 hours. The individual remains the same but can be taken over by a spectrum of different emotions and reactions. The individual can feel angry, sad, happy, sometimes the individual feels the need to take revenge and on the flip side of the coin, sometime he adopts the attitude of forgiveness, and list this goes on. What is happening with us on a daily basis is so interesting. Anyways, let’s talk about market and how we can profit from it so we can do some good things for ourselves, society and those in need.  

I want to ask you to do something today, something which could help me to guide you correctly.

Please write your trading/investment account value by the end of Monday, August 2016, and on 31 December, and December 2017. Please let me know what percentage you made or lost by following our advice in 2016 and 2017. Whether you made money on short term, medium term, or in longer term trading. Create records or history of your trading from today. At the end of every newsletter I will give you a small trade recommendation for the short, medium and longer term, and these are the trades you should follow. If you wish, then create a separate account for these trades. I feel that now the time has come to make money, because the behavior pattern of the market is following the astro cycles very closely. If you will share this with me by the end of this year that would be great. You can let me know in which trade/investment you lost money or where you made money following my advice.

In March 2009 we mentioned that those who will buy stocks here would made fortune, in 2011 September we mentioned that buy aggressive puts in the market for 2012/13/14/15. Now the next bullish cycle has started from February 2016, and in the next 18 months’ markets can have very aggressive movement. We still believe that S&P may hit 2500 and 3200 in the next two years.

This what we mentioned in our book “2016 Financial Predictions” in the 8th cycle of stocks market:

Eighth Cycle:  

From the 17th of July to 27th of August 2016 - This will be a positive or bullish cycle for the markets. We strongly recommend buying and holding positions in the equity market during this cycle. I won’t be surprised at all if the market trades towards all-time highs during this cycle. During this period material and mining stocks will also rise which means that energy and metals prices will also move higher. This is a good time to make money in commodities, commodity stocks as well as the emerging markets. This will be an extremely bullish cycle for all the major markets. 

Buy book to read 9th cycle for market as nith cycle is most important one for every investors:


Here is this week newsletter from 29 August to 2 September:


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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma