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Today's Trade & News

Thursdays buying recommendations...SMTC done well and focus on these stocks...

Here todays recommendations and our discount offer on lithium and update sections subscriptions is ending on Monday


Dear Members,

Yesterday’s SMTC announce strong earning, we recommended buying SMTC before the market close and today it already moved 8% higher. Also our most favorite recommended stocks of this week like MSFT, GOOGL, AMZN and NFLX are performing well so far. Follow our weekly and daily letter to take advantage of daily and weekly recommendations. 

Coffee is up strongly also by $2.50, as predicted and add some more positions.

Today VMW and WDAY will announce earning and both these stocks will move higher after earning so buying is recommended, buy next week’s call options.

ULTA and LULU is not in our buying list, though these stocks are holding value very well.

COSTCO will announce earning today and stocks shall do well, no call options recommended in Costco, buy stock and hold for the medium term.

Today we recommended three key Cannabis stocks to buy in our daily stock report, these will make at least 100% return in the next few months.

Also our most favorite area of investment is Lithium, cobalt, graphite and e-car battery related stocks. We started this subscriptions three months back with special discounted price of $171 for month. From Monday new subscriptions cost be:

From next Monday new rates will be: Take advantage of this service at $171 for a month, this is promotions price and from next month’s we will increase price from $171 to $295, three months from $475 to $825, six months from $799 to $1551, and 12 months from $1475 to $2951.

Click here to subscribe lithium letter -

Take advantage of current accuracy as our subscriptions cost is nothing if you trade smartly on our recommendations on Daily basis by following Daily Flashnews or Daily stock recommendations then you can recover subscriptions in day one, but I leave decisions on you whether to subscribe our services or not.

We are again offering 40% discount (from $595 to $375 for year, three year from $1695 to $995, Five years from 2795 to $1655 and 9 year from $5555 to 2995) of Update and news sections, and this offer will end on Monday and we won't see this offer again in future. Now only members of this sections will receive few recommendations on daily updates. 

Those who couldn’t afford our services can buy 2018 Financial Predictions book, we are sure it is worth every penny you spend, you can now buy each sections of this book at lower cost.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma