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Today's Trade & News

Thursday's daily flashnews with trading strategy & ranges on metals, energy, grains, softs, bonds, Indexes and currencies...Buying recommnedations of Monday in metals & S&P did well

Thursday’s Flash news:

Dear Members,

So far markets traded on Tuesday as predicted except coffee, markets will remain in upward trend Until S&P remain above 1618, any weakness on Wednesday should be taken buying opportunity in stocks.  Metals traded positive as predicted and may move higher on Thursday and Friday, yes technical indicators are showing negativity but at this stage during this week our astro indicators are positive so buy on any weakness.

This is what we mentioned yesterday and holds same predictions: Tuesday shall be positive be positive day for USA market and USD, rest of world market will get support from USA positive trend. Metals will be most interesting to watch as we see positive momentum starting from here after bear trend of last many months.

This week astro indicators are very positive for commodities, so we may see rising trend in metals and other commodities. This is first time we are recommending buying in metals and commodity index after long period of time. This buying recommendations is only valid for the short period of time (may be next four days). If commodities fail to rise during this next for day will confirm huge corrections in commodities in coming time.

S&P crossed 1618 which is very bullish indications; this is what we mentioned on Friday:  

This is what we mentioned on Tuesday: We still recommend keep adding positions in USD, and keep adding stocks around predicted lower levels. FNMA, FMCC, Tesla and APPLE moved up sharply as predicted. If will be 100% confident once S&P close above 1618, here what we mentioned yesterday: Since last week we have been mentioning important astro level for S&P around 1618, once S&P close above this level will give clearly bullish single. If S&P remain below this level will give mix trend to US and European market but our indications for emerging market is very bullish.


Here are the trading ranges and strategies for Thursday:



I don’t think metal investors can’t ask more than this, yes this week’s weekly newsletter brought windfall those who bought precious metals on our buying recommendations. I humbly bow down to wave of nature and astro indicators. Metals are trading sharply higher as predicted, and still 24 hours positive hours are pending. This who are making great profit should start booking profit by selling small part of position during next twenty four hours. Higher side from higher is limited above $1305 as mentioned, wait for next week newsletter.

This is what we mentioned yesterday: Gold, silver, platinum and Palladium traded positive on Tuesday as predicted, copper traded negative. On Wednesday we see sideways trend in metals, buy on weakness or lower side range mentioned here below because we won’t surprise if metals markets move sharply higher on Thursday and Friday.


Important note: If metals fail to rise on Thursdays and Friday will confirm that they can fall further without any rise but we still believe that this week metals will trade positive and so far in the last forty eight hours they have done well.

Here what we mentioned on Tuesday: On Tuesday gold may gain value from lower side so we are recommending buying in base and precious metals. Once gold crosses $1265 and trade above two days will confirm that it may achieve $1305 mark. Overall trend in metals is weaker; this buying is only for the short period, if gold fail to rise during this week will confirm that gold is moving toward $980. Rest of metal will follow gold trend during this week.

At this stage gold may hold $1155 or lows of previous week $1179 and on the higher side resistance will be $1265. Read this week’s newsletter as we are predicting rebound in metals.

Gold, silver and other metals almost achieved our predicted lower side target during last week. This is what we have been mentioning since the last six months: Our medium term target for gold is $1155 and silver 18.00 to $16.55. Gold was trading at $1675 and silver at $32 when we predicted fall.  

Here is Thursday’s range: (August/September 2013 contract):

GOLD: $1289.90 to $1263.90 

SILVER: $19.99 TO $19.39

COPPER: $317.90 TO $311.80

PALLADIUM: $730.10 TO $716.20  

PLATINUM: $1409.10 TO $1380.50



S&P moved big after Mr. Bernanke’s comment on QE, yes S&P and world equity markets are trading as predicted. We strongly recommend holding position in stocks and Indexes. Don’t go against market as we expected huge up move in Indexes on Thursday AND Friday. Rest of world markets will move higher as well, emerging markets will move sharply higher. Wave of nature have been guiding us well and we should say big “thanks you”.

This is what we mentioned yesterday: Keep adding positions around predicted lower side in S&P and other indexes as we see markets moving higher from later today or after Fed minutes. One can buy all major markets around predicted lower ranges here below. Thursday and Friday markets can move higher as well. Time to buy at any weakness.

This is what we mentioned yesterday: Tuesday we see overall all major markets may trade positive so buy on any weakness or around lower side’s ranges as predicted below here. S&P have crossed 1618 which is most bullish indicator until it remains above this level. Hold buying positions in indexes and stocks until S&P remains above 1618.

European, emerging and Asian markets will trade sideways to positive.

This is what we mentioned LAST WEEK: S&P will enter in bull era once it cross 1618. Keep accumulating positions on lower sides. Many were waiting for corrections in market to buy, so they shouldn’t be wasting time to get in market.

Hold positions in FNMA, FMCC; a positive astro time will start for both of these companies after 12 July.

Other stocks like Microsoft, Tesla, SOLAR, and other energy efficiency stocks and Apple’s astro charts are showing great positivity so hold your position in these stocks as well.

Wednesday’s trading range (September Price):

AUSTRALIAN (Cash) – 4939 to 4895

NIKKEI (Sep) – 14655 TO 14470

NIFTY S&P (Spot) – 5923 to 5861 (buy on lower side)

SINGAP0RE (cash) – 3228 TO 3198

HONG KONG (cash) – 21389 to 20931

CAC – 3882 TO 3839

DAX – 8182 TO 8091

DEX EURO STOXX – 2689.75 - 2659

FTSE – 6565 TO 6506

S&P – 1668.25 TO 1653.75

NASDAQ – 3032.25 TO 2992.25

RUSSELL – 1032.00 TO 1019.70

DOW – 15398 TO 15300



In these week newsletter we mentioned that one can sell oil on late Thursday or Friday, we see oil struggling to move above $107.79, Great time to sell heating oil and RB gas at this stage around predicted higher ranges here below.

Thursday’s trading range (all August contracts):

OIL: $107.45 to $105.02

NATURAL GAS: $3.75 to $3.62

HEATING OIL: $3.0375 TO $2.9790

RB GAS: $3.0150 TO $2.9800



Thursday and Friday we may see both sides’ movements in bonds so trade in and out.

The overall trend is weaker and our next target is 128 which shall fulfill by the end of the year.

Thursday’s trading range (Sep contract):

TREASURY BOND – 135-01 TO 133-05



Buy coffee and Cocoa, hold cotton buying positions as well.

We won’t be surprised at all if coffee prices move up more than 5 to 10% during this week.

Buy keep adding call option positions, we are sure you will make fortune in the next 18 months, please plan well. Coffee will hit $600 by end of next year. 

Thursday trading range: (September/Oct 2013 Contract)

COFFEE: $123.95 TO $120.55

COTTON: $87.70 TO $86.65 (Oct contract)

COCOA: $2205 TO $2161

SUGAR: $16.45 TO $16.20

ORANGE JUICE:  $136.70 TO $134.30



In simple word; sell grains today around predicted higher prices here below, sell corn, soy and soy meal. Hold selling positions in these grains until we don’t recommend to cover.

Thursday’s trading range (September 2013 contracts):

CORN: $561.25 TO $547.50

WHEAT: $690.00 TO $670.25

SOY: $1344.75 TO $1319.25

SOY MEAL: $417.30 TO $408.20

SOY OIL: $47.05 TO $46.41

RICE: $15.45 TO 15.09



After Ben Bernanke statement on inflations and QE pulled dollar down sharply, all major currencies moved up beyond anyone expectations. Dollar Index crashed from 84.50 to 82.86. We strongly recommend buying US Dollar on this weakness, it is life time opportunity in dollar because these prices won’t come back at least in the next five to seven year time.  

As expected emerging market currencies are doing fine, next two days these currencies will again against USD. In this week newsletter we recommend covering all short positions in these currencies and don’t selling these currencies for this week. Still overall trend in these currencies looks negative to sell on next Monday.

trend looks bad sides trend in emerging market currencies, this is what we mentioned: On Monday one can trade sideways but keep adding USD positions on weakness or around lower sides. On Monday we may see emerging market currencies stabilizing after falling in the early hours so one can cover short all positions. You should book profit in Rupee, Real and Rand on any weakness in the early trading hours on Monday. There is still more weakness pending in the coming time but for the short term we can call tops in Dollar against these currencies

Thursday’s trading range: (September)

DOLLAR INDEX – 83.68 to 82.84

AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR – 0.9257 to 0.9152

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9627 to 0.9545

BRITISH POUND – 1.5185 to 1.5009

EURO – 1.3209 to 1.3026

JAPANESE YEN – 1.0184 to 1.0028

NEW ZEALAND DOLLAR: 0.8007 to 7910

SWISS FRANC – 1.0645 to 1.0459

RUPPEE – 59.83 to 58.74 (Spot)

RAND – 09.83 to 09.63 (Spot)

Here is kitco interview: I am in Vegas to see my close friend Michael Krupp and will attend Freedom Fest conference.  Here is yesterday’s Interview with new: , I am sure you will enjoy this.


Important advice:

Great time to buy USD

Hold positions in Indexes and stocks

Sell grains, and get ready to sell oil and energy product on Friday


Thanks & God Bless, Mahendra Sharma


10 July 2013, Wednesday 07.00 PM, Las Vegas