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Today's Trade & News

Thursdays day trading range and metals weakness...

Dear Friends,

Here below our predcited trading range for Thursday, our new daily flash has become very popular among day traders. Here is yesterdays update:

Thursday’s day trading planning

Predicted on Wedensday 5.15 PM

Dear Members,

Tuesday metals and other commodities suffered setback and this confirms that our fear of uncertain trend in commodities (specially metals) have been proving very accurate. Once again avoid any big buying position in commodities until 29 Oct, let wait for right time. Thursday metals may remain weaker so short term traders can wait to get in. One can buy on late Thursday as it may recover from low of the day but best advise is to buy metals on Friday.

GOLD - $1653.90 TO $1625.80 (if its trade below $1625 then it can reach $1579 in 48 hours)

SILVER - $31.59 TO $30.08

COPPER - $328.80 TO $317.30

PLATINUM - $1528 TO $1502

PALLADIUM - $612 TO $593


This is what we mentioned for oil on Tuesday for Wednesday trading - Wednesday oil will make high and that be shorter term high for oil so great selling opportunity is coming in oil later tomorrow. Yes oil fell sharply after touching high. We still see more weakness in oil prices so hold your short position in oil.

OIL – $87.55 TO $84.95

NATURAL GAS - $3.73 TO 3.89


Here what we mentioned on Tuesday for Wednesday - Grains traded mix but they may get weaker later from this week, I highly recommend avoiding any new trade. Yes, Wednesday grains traded weaker and I still don’t recommend any buying position in grains those who are short can hold their positions. Here is this Thursday’s trading range:

CORN – $644.5 TO $627.50

WHEAT – $624 TO $606

SOY BEAN – $1237 TO $1207

RICE – $16.65 TO $16.41


Yesterday we recommended buying in soft commodities, and they performed well compare to other commodities. Coffee, lumber, juice and cocoa traded positive. Thursday prices may stabilize but great time to add more positions. Hold your trade in coffee, cotton, lumber and cocoa. Here is trading range of Thursday:

COFFEE - $237.90 TO $231.60

COTTON – $100.72 TO 99.50

COCOA - $2635 TO 2578

SUGAR – 27.12 TO 26.52

ORANGE JUICE - $173.10 TO 166.20

LUMBER - $226 TO 219


This is what we mentioned in Tuesday and Wednesdays update. Yesterdays update and proven to be very accurate - Monday all markets fell sharply as Astro cycle indicated this, we recommend taking small buying position on middle of Tuesday in all major markets.

We recommend to book profit on late Wednesday. Current market trending patterns is very volatile so go in and out and yes longer term position you can buy as call options.

I am very happy to see that slowly we are getting closer to short term accuracy. We have struggled for many years to find right predicting pattern for day traders or short term traders. Any way we highly recommend that hold cash as one of the best buying opportunity is coming in stocks with in next 10 days. Those who doesn’t mind taking risk can go ahead and buy some position around 1203 in S&P. Next week is final week for volatility and after that we will see just one side trend in all major stock markets.

Here is Thursday’s trading range:

AUSTRALIAN - 4183 TO 4139

NIKKEI – 8812 TO 8673

HONG KONG - 18303 TO 17978

CAC – 3148 TO 3083

DAX - 5938 TO 5768

FTSE – 5462 TO 5338

S&P - 1218 TO 1197

NASDAQ – 2345 TO 2289


Yesterday also planets guided us very well on currency on currency trading. We recommended buy Pound and it traded positive whole day. Keep adding dollar on weakness, here is Thursday’s day trading range. Currently all markets are trading both side so take full advantage of in and out on short term basis.

US DOLLAR INDEX – 77.18 TO 77.91

AUSTRLAIN DOLLAR – 1.0218 TO 1.0105

CANADIAN DOLLAR – 0.9847 TO 0.9755

BRITISH POUND – 1.5798 TO 1.5668

EURO – 1.3792 TO 1.3679

JAPANESE YEN – 1.3098 TO 1.3008

SWISS FRANC – 1.1147 TO 1.1029



Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Predicted - Wednesday 5.15 PM Santa Barbara