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Time cycle for - Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Bill Ackman, Bill Gate, Mark Zuckerberg...

Dear Members,

I stop predicting about individuals and countries, but surely in my book sometime I mentioned very brief on influential people, if I see that something important happening in their life and any news related to them may influence financial market. I have been warning investors those who are investing with Bill Ackman fund because we saw very negative astro combinations in 2013, and we warn investors to stay away from his fund as many of his bet would go wrong. Look at his bet on VRX, stock came down from $260.00 to $34.00, HLF short have also goes against him, FMCC, FMNA which we recommended buying at $0.20 and he bought way above also losing. Yes, astro cycles impact everyone living being; it doesn’t matter how rich, powerful or poor anyone is.  

Here what I mentioned in “2016 Financial Prediction” Book on page on 107/108:

Most of you aware that I rarely read the astro chart for any person, expect for some of my close friends. Some times out of curiosity I read the charts of know individuals for my study. For example, I put a note on Rajiv Gandhi, Princess Diana, Bill Clinton, Sonia Gandhi, Barak Obama, Hilary Clinton, Bill Gate, Ben Bernanke, Mark Zuckerberg and few more know individuals. In the last four years I read the astro charts of a few individuals and already predicted what I saw for them. Once again, I am publishing what I see for these individuals in this book. 

Mark Zuckerberg & FACEBOOK

In May 2012 we recommended not to buy Facebook stocks on opening day because we saw prices falling sharply and this was purely due to the fact that the IPO roadshow was initiated on a Scorpio Moon. We expected 50% price loss and we all aware that Facebook went from $45.00 To $16.00.

We also predicted that in the future coming time Facebook would lose 90% value any time from 2018. At the same time in 2012 we also mentioned that Mark Zuckerberg’s astro chart is very positive and he will do wonders and will become a role model for many.

I finished my research and last week Mark Zuckerberg was blessed with daughter, and on the same day he announced that he would be going giving away 99% of his wealth (Facebook holdings) in charity.

This decision by him will change the future path of Facebook because we believe in Karma or good deeds. Give wealth for a good cause because it brings positive energy and luck so today we predict that Facebook may not lose value by 99% but still stock prices may suffer a setback in 2018 and from there onwards.

Mark Zuckerberg has created the most unique path between him and the future by giving away his wealth. His astro chart is very amazing and surely he will surprise many and leave a great legacy behind.

Bill Gates and Microsoft

In 2012 we predicted that the most positive era for Microsoft is starting and after that we have seen Microsoft provide the most amazing returns. We see a great future for Microsoft and Bill Gates. Another six great years astro cycle is pending for Microsoft so one can continue remaining an investor of Microsoft until 2021. I won’t recommend holding MSFT after 2021.

Bill Ackman (A great era will come for him but he will suffer until 2027)

In 2012 we already predicted that Bill Ackman’s astro chart was turning negative, and in 2014 we predicted that the negativity in his chart would increase day by day and the worst time would start from 2017 so stay away from his recommendations because he may lose a huge amount of wealth for himself as well as his investors. I don’t have anything against Bill Ackman; he is very smart man but out of curiosity I read his chart when he and Carl Icahn were having the fight over the Herbalife short and long positions. I wanted to know that who would win that fight so I read both these individuals’ astro charts and I found a very positive astro chart for Carl Icahn, but Ackman’s astro chart was very negative. If Bill Ackman is able to sail through till 2021 then he will rise in ten folds and he will become the most powerful individual on Wall Street, but surely the time from him is very tough from 2013 to 2021, and the worst cycle will be from 2017 to 2019.

A few People like David Einhorn (Fund manager) will struggle to give positive performance. Next four years will be volatile for him. 

Hillary Clinton will rise and will become the first Female President of the USA.


We already predicted that Donald Trump will have negative astro cycle…….


2016 book is 90% covering all major equity market, commodity market and currency market with monthly cycle, click here to buy: