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Today's Trade & News


Dear Friends,

This is time to go back look into the past and reveal some of key points so we keep over all picture in mind. This below section is a small part from my previous book, which was written in August/September 2003 and launched on 19th December 2003.


Oil is a very important resource in the running of world affairs and for our day to day business. It is used in generating energy and thousands of by-products are derived from it. Many Islamic countries have huge reserves of this product, and this is why I have said that they will thrive and prosper because of oil. Oil and gold ought to be the two key areas in which long term investors should focus on in this century. In 2004, I expect oil prices to reach US $50 per barrel and up to US $100 per barrel within the next 30 months. The following twelve and a half years will witness a continuous rise of oil prices

Because of planet        Saturn.

I have said before and still stand by my prediction that some kind of currency or bond related      to oil will be            released.

Many people believe that the Middle East issue is a major factor in price movements. When the Iraq war began, oil prices dropped but at the end of the war they stabilised. In the year 2004, I foresee the worst crisis looming in the Middle East region. This crisis will inevitably lead to high oil prices. Apart from this factor, Saturn also plays a key role in the movement of oil prices, with Mars contributing to their volatility.

Oil prices were very volatile in 2003. They were very high in the early months of the year, but they dropped drastically towards the middle of the year. The year 2004 shows a completely different scenario. The oil prices will gradually move up until 22 June, after which they will gain hugely, making a dramatic leap of between 40% and 60% for the rest of the year.



For the last century, the country possessed a very strong chart because planetary combinations were all revealed in the progressive chart. This century will have mixed results for the USA. The year 2004 will be better compared to the last three years, though the best period will start in 2012. In my last book, I stated that if the USA went ahead with the war with Iraq then they would not gain anything. Despite the outcome of the war and the American’s triumph over Iraq, the war has become more of a loss than a gain.


For President Bush and his key advisors, year 2004 will reveal that their decision on Iraq was a great mistake. At the time of writing this book, the whole world knows that the conflict has negatively affected the USA. Bush has attacked Iraq on issue of weapon of mass destructions but nothing has found been out yet, I don’t know he or key alias can prove this that they have found out the weapon of mass destruction and yes Iraq was big threat to the world. Even after its soldiers are dying daily in Iraq and the situation will continue to deteriorate if the United States does not withdraw. The cost of rebuilding Iraq has also accumulated into a colossal bill and in the year 2004, planetary positions indicate that Americans will refuse to bear the cost.


I would like to state that President Bush is not the crude person as everyone portrays him to be; as a matter of fact, he has a very strong chart that enabled him win the controversial elections in 2000 as I had predicted. Even though he won after a protracted court battle, he took the oath of office on the wrong day. As a result, Bush has been experiencing troubles ever since and the country has been undergoing economic instability, continuous terrorist attacks as well as war and conflicts.


The economy data will continuous show strong recovering in USA during first quarter of 2004 and but before the mid 2004 trade deficit will spoil the whole scenario for investors. First time I will strongly warn investors to play safely in market because USA stock market index can go rock bottom. In the early chapters I mentioned that the economy would face blow. Toward the end of 2004 inflation and unemployment will rise.


In the stock markets, investors should book profits when they gain by 10% to 15%. For first quarter few technology companies will rise but they will also follow market trend of down ward. In 2002, many people did not believe that the technology sector would rise again but I clearly stated as follows:


…the question everybody is asking; ‘will technology survive even at this level and will there be any slight hopes of recovery?’ I would say that yes, the whole of the year 2003, technology and telecommunication stocks will do better compared to other sectors

2003 World Prophecies, page 36.


I went further to say that:


I still believe that companies with initials ‘A’ ‘I’ and ‘M’ e.g. Microsoft, IBM and Amazon will do extremely well and will reciprocate by 15 to 20 percent. Another company whose future seems bright is NASDAQ.

2003 World Prophecies, page 36.



The US Dollar will remain weak throughout the year though there will be a few price fluctuations. The Dollar will remain weak until 2007 and I recommend that investors hold their money in gold or other currencies (For more detail predictions, please refer to the financial section in this book).


Greenspan and his team will surprise everybody by increasing the interest rates any time around March 2004 or afterwards. I still do not see a good period for Greenspan, though his bad 30-month period is ending in 2004.


I do not foresee any major terrorist attacks occurring in the country. As I have previously mentioned, 2004/5 will be better than the preceding couple of years and it will pass quite smoothly except for a few natural and economic disasters. For instance a cold wave will hit the nation, as well as an earthquake or fire.


In all my books I have mentioned that if the USA wants to maintain its economic supremacy, then it should control oil and gold. The United States has attempted to gain control of oil resources through the conflict with Iraq. However, just by looking at the way oil prices are moving, anyone can see that all is not well.


I would like to give some tips to USA investors about the prime sectors for investment in the year 2004. Firstly, the mining sector will dominate in terms of percentage gain, while power, biotechnology and technology sectors will be second, third and fourth respectively. Good returns will definitely be accrued by those who chose to invest in these sectors.


To the great surprise of the world, the USA will break from tradition and play no role in the Middle East conflict. Its role will be limited to a neutral one because it shall be fully committed to its own conflict with North Korea. In the confrontation with North Korea, the USA will not go ahead with the war. The situation remains similar to last year, when I said that:


USA pressure on North Korea will not work…if the USA starts a fight against North Korea then they have to face the humiliation of defeat.

2003 World Prophecies, page 134.


A defeat inflicted against the USA may result in the loss of its status as the world’s sole superpower.


In regard to the unfolding crisis with Iran, the Americans may attempt an attack by sending their troops. However, this war may not start, the reason being that Europe, Britain, the United Nations as well as Asian countries will not support the USA (for detailed information please read the war and conflict sections).


You can read the USA stock market and natural disaster predictions in the financial and natural disaster section.



As I have already predicted, Bangladesh will experience very heavy floods that will affect more than 50% of the country’s total area. Europe may also be affected by the heavy floods, especially in countries like Italy. Government authorities should therefore be on high alert and take appropriate steps in order to minimise the repercussions of this eventuality.


A strong typhoon will hit Bangkok, the coast of China and Hong Kong, while a hurricane will once again hit the USA in the east coast area around August. The hurricane will result in heavy damage and the people in the affected area should therefore brace themselves.


2004 World & Financial Prophecies © Mahendra Sharma.

Printed in Kenya. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of Mahendra Sharma.


Forth publication by Mahendra Sharma

Printed and published in November 2003


IMPORTANT NOTE: Please don’t order the book as it is sold-out long back and I don’t have any intent to re-print because soon I am starting my 2006 book and which should come out in Jan 2006.


Thanks & God Bless
