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Today's Trade & News

Today and this week market, metals and stocks trend...NNVC, AMED and NVAX are moving higher on Coronavirus...

Dear Members,

Saturn rising in East today after changing house on 23rd January which is most important event. If Saturn flows with negativity on health issues then it could create disaster in China, but according to Saturn rising in East in Capricorn won’t put any major negative disaster impact so slowly things will start getting under control within the next two weeks but still I will watch closely and update you.

In our weekly newsletter we recommended buying positions in market on Tuesday around lower side or before the market closes so expect market to rise from here.

This week our view was mix for precious metals on Monday and Tuesday even though Coronavirus is making headline everywhere but astrologically Monday and Tuesday planets not supporting metal that’s the reason we stated booking profit.

Monday, we predicted major crash in base metal prices and we witnessed that. Copper almost came down toward 2019 low’s, Palladium crash almost 7%, Zinc, Nickel and Lead also lost value. Our fall date for Palladium was 23rd January 2020 so far proven very accurate after failing in the last one year. This date we also m mentioned in book.

Coffee, soy and corn will be good buy. Energy prices will trade both sides. Emerging market currencies will be great buy from Wednesday.

NNVC, NVAX and AMED were our top pick since last week Thursday. They are moving aggressive higher on Coronavirus but don’t forget to book profit as they can rise sharply and also can fall sharply after news dry’s up.

Buy LABU biotech etf, metal stocks will hold value as coming time is good for precious metals. I strongly recommend to invest in “2020 Financial Prophecies”, this book will guide you through 2020, where to invest, what to buy and sell, call and put, etfs, markets, currencies and commodities.

I am traveling and will be in Santa Barbara on Tuesday.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma