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Today's Trade & News

Today is best day to acquire Rupee, Global stocks Indexes...

Dear Members,

Brazilian Real really helped BRZU (ETF) moved from $14.00 to $29.00 and BOVESPA Index (moved from 74000 to 86000 in the last one month). Also Real gained 12% value which is very big in currency traders.  Today is best day to acquire INDL, Indian market and Indian Rupee.

Also European, Japanese and USA market will move higher.

Reread this week newsletter carefully if you are member and must read today's flash news.   

Palladium is great sell and Hold long in Gas with another 5% upside move.


Here is Head line from Today's letter:

Wednesdays Daily Flash news (Unedited report)

Emerging market currencies acting very positive…Brazilian market is on fire…

Today is best day to acquire Rupee and stock Indexes

If you are member of flashnews and Indian market letter then click here to read:

International Daily Flashnews:

Indian Market Daily letter:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma