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Today's Trade & News

Today's predictions for Gold, silver, base metals, markets, Crypto, oil, grains, softs, currencies and bond...

Dear Members,

The earning session starts next week. This week we expected markets to perform a mix with higher side 4359 resistance for S&P. We recommended booking some profit at 4359 level for those who trades for the short term or day trading. Nasdaq and Frontline stocks like AMZN, MSFT, APPLE, OKTA, CRWD and ZS remained in our buying list for this week. As per our weekly newsletter we mentioned Monday to Wednesday markets remain mix to bit weaker. All these stocks may double from here.

Few months back we recommended buying XOMA, STXS, MNKD and OPNT, all these biotech stocks are performing well, OPNT moved 50% higher on Tuesday after market close. We are recommending adding more positions.

Commodities prices crashed yesterday, especially energy and grains as predicted. Precious metals came down from higher side levels. Base metals came down big on Tuesday as expected.

On Wednesday lower side buying and higher side profit booking is recommended in metals, follow our daily flashnews for day trading strategy as well as ranges. Trade in and out in grains and energy, higher side selling is recommended, cover shorts around the lower sides.

Currencies traded as predicted on Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday mix trend is expected in the frontline currencies but emerging currencies will lose value so sell Rand, Peso and Rupee. Dollar to remain firm from USA trading sessions.

We still believe that the most unique era will start for silver, gold and platinum will follow. Must read the weekly newsletter for a detailed outlook. Keep accumulating silver around $26.00 or below. We may see $27.11 first and many spend few weeks around here before it blows up so get ready. Must read daily flashnews or weekly newsletter as I won’t able to put update very frequently.

NASDAQ is our top pick, avoiding INDL (India), YINN (China) and other emerging markets until middle of Thursday.

Thirty Year bond shall be in your selling list from today. Crypto will trade negative today, some buying will come next week but overall trend to remain negative.

Our Daily flashnews prices will increase 50% in the next two weeks so subscribe or extend your services if you wish to.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma