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Today's Trade & News

Trade markets with wave of nature and planetary movements...

Dear Members,

Gold and silver are trading above our predicted prices of Monday. This is clearly a very strong bullish sign, we should expect gold to reach $1557 and silver $53.80 by this weekend. Lower side silver target is $44.80 and gold $1483 by Wednesday, these level one should buy.

In this week weekly newsletter, we clearly mentioned that from late Monday after opening USA markets to Wednesday gold and silver would start moving down in volatile trading sessions but if they don’t fall on Monday then expect gold to reach $1557 and silver $53.80 by Friday. Thursday and Friday we see very positive trend in metals so great time buy metals on late Wednesday. The theory I follow of planetary movement gold and silver will move down on Monday and weaker trend can continue untill Wednesday but buy on late Wednesday. Currently gold is at $1517 and silver $49.32.

Base metals are trading weaker and they will trade weak but some positive sentiment will come from positive precious metals trend. This prediction have been very interesting as most of our members have avoided buying base metals and still we are recommending not to buy base metals. Copper, platinum, zinc, lead and aluminum will trade weak.

Oil, grains and soft commodities will trade weaker, higher side is very limited in these commodities. Currently wave and force is in precious metals and we see that most trader’s attention and energy will be around precious metals.

 Dollar will stabilize here but will take few weeks to move up strongly, we are accumulating dollar. Lately we are not accurate on dollar so we are doing our home work again. Within next few weeks dollar will form strong bottom around $73.50 but longer term traders should start accumulating even at current price.

Stock markets will remain sideways and some profit booking will come but overall trend will remain bullish.

Wave of nature and planetary indications are most important indicators if you like to make money in longer term. Most of people follow technical’s, fundaments and economic news but they all keep changing time to time without giving clear indications. If chart breaks all will come to sell, if one economic data comes negative all will start talking bearish without keep overall picture in mind.

I bow my head to subject of astrology and wave of nature. Banks, big traders and institutions won’t tell you when they are buying and selling, their analyst will come in media after they are well placed in trades, they will talk very bullish when they have secure enough stocks or futures, and when they want to get out they will still keep whole scenario very bullish, after they get out and well placed with shorts then they will start publishing negative or weak story or will portrait scary scenario.

Financial market is mind and money game and big people are playing this very nicely, but planetary movements are free from all this, yes when I was in negative time cycle I couldn’t able to guide perfectly from (2005 to 2010), my accuracy was on and off, but now looks like I am back in game what I was from age of 12 (1979 to 2004).

Expect flash-news on Wednesday. Follow weekly newsletter as we sent out before markets open on Monday so no markets noise is there, as we write weekly trend before the market opens on Monday.     


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Monday 10.00 Hong Kong time