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Today's Trade & News

Trade with strategy to take advantage of swings even though we all believe in longer term investment strategy in market...2023 Financial Predictions

Dear Members,

So far it has been an interesting first two weeks for the markets, metals, and currencies. Most of the recommended trades are doing well from the book. I just finished rereading my own book and I am very excited about markets and metals predictions. This book was written keeping in mind that shorts term volatility always snatches back profit made by investors so follow the monthly cycle, and at least 50% profit even in your medium and longer-term trade if the monthly cycle is turning negative metals, markets, currencies, energy, grains, softs, bond and Crypto because the book will help you to guide you when to reenter back or buy back positions which you sold at higher levels.

I am sure most of you have acquired your copy of “2023 Financial Predictions” so reread it once a week to keep you alert regarding negative or positive cycles and make decisions promptly without including your emotions.

In the last six weeks, KOLD moved from $12.00 $40.00 and YINN from $20.00 to $65.00. Buying recommendations in both these ETFs is done very well, now time to book profit and focus on our new ETF recommendations in daily and weekly newsletters.

Now earning session 

 is starting, get ready to take some short-term trades.

We just launched individual sections of the book for those who don’t want to buy the complete book so acquire your interested areas. It will not only make you money but it will save you from making wrong decisions in areas of your interest.

Here below the link to 2023 Financial Predictions:

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma