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Today's Trade & News

Trading opportunity in gold/silver, final chance to subscribe...

Dear Friends,

Here is Friday morning's flashnews:


Dear Members,

Metals have been trading sideways or bit in positive side during this week as mentioned in newsletter, we also recommended to book profit on Friday by end of day. Gold may outperform all commodities on Friday and may trade very positive after USA market opens. Planetary position indicates that today gold can move up to $1518, currently it is trading around $1495. Silver will also follow gold. Dollar is strong but our astro indicator for gold is showing buying indications for intraday only, book profit by end of day.

Copper traded positive during this week and may remain bit positive today as well but sure there will be pressure from weak equity and weaker trend in metals which we expecting from ..........

Grains are trading positive as mentioned in this week newsletter, we strongly recommended not to short/sell grains, today they will remain sideway but again on ......... they will gain value. Grains have outperforming all other commodities during this week. Rice/wheat/corn buying call must have made good money to most of you those bought this week on our recommendations.

In this week newsletter we strongly recommended buying sugar and cotton, and they performed extremely well, one can still buy sugar around $21.50 and cotton around $152 for shorter period (until next week Tuesday). Avoid coffee and cocoa.

Oil traded weaker compare to all commodities, we recommend not to trade oil as weaker trend will continue in shorter term. Today may remain sideways or bit positive but fall will come as overall trend is weak.

Indexes trading sideways, avoid any new investment in stock market for few weeks.

This week we predicted narrow trading range for all currencies against USD, we also mentioned in this week newsletter that Friday will be buying time in USD index, after making lows of $75.09 in Europe markets, now dollar is trading around 75.55. We strongly recommend buying dollar on any weakness. Our next target is ........

In coming few weeks Japanese Yen and Euro will perform very negative. Sell both of these currencies.



Note – Soon we will be increasing our newsletter fee by 50% and flashnews by 100%, as we just want quality clients, so those who like to extend their services should do it asap. Also those who have been waiting to subscribe should do it before subscription fee goes up. 


Yes, there will be commodity meltdown in coming time; we will update you by newsletter as well as flash. Commodities will keep falling lower non-stop so be careful those who trades for medium and longer term.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Friday 6.00 am Santa Barbara time