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Today's Trade & News

Tuesday could be big day for market, but metals and dollar trend shall be watch closely...

The best time buy positions in the market and a few selective ETFs…


Dear Members,

Dow is approaching our target of 32000, but Nasdaq is down almost 10%. Most of the tech stocks are falling hard, but we need to remember that NASDAQ is moving toward 25000, so you should be planning to start buying stocks now from Tuesday. As per our book, a negative cycle is supposed started from the 22nd of February 2021, and we are still in a negative cycle. If you have deep pockets, then you must start buying tech stocks from Tuesday and keep adding as we see big move in market as per our weekly letter of this week.

AMZN, ZM, TSLA, and APPLE can double from here. Follow our daily stock recommendations. We also strongly recommend buying aggressive long positions in EV related stocks.

European and emerging markets like India can perform well. Brazil and China will be good buys; buy YINN and BRZU on Tuesday. We are still not recommending buying UVXY, so keep this in mind.

On Friday, we recommended buying LABU around $72.00. It tested $95.00 and came down in the second half; we recommend adding more aggressive positions in LABU.

Two months ago, we recommended closing longs in gold and silver stocks, and have been recommending buying Lithium, Nickel, and Graphite stocks. Allocate more money to EV battery and mining stocks.  

Currencies are trading negative as predicted. The prediction for Dollar not going below 89.38 has done amazingly well. Experts were expecting a fall in USD, but we predicted a turnaround.

Oil prices getting closer to the selling level, so watch our oil recommendations closely. Our buying recommendations in oil at $9.55 did well.

I am humbly request to follow book "2021 Financial Prophecies" predictions and our weekly and daily letter. It is not always to make money but it is how to save money by not going in wrong trades. I bow to Astro cycle as it have done amazing job to guide us so accurately during the most uncertain time of history of last 12 months,   

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma