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Today's Trade & News

Tuesday's Flash news is here....

Dear Friends,

I am sure you will enjoy this flashnews of Tuesday 15 Feb 2011. Few dates and days I have deleted from this flashnews as this is only paid services so I can't put everything here. Watch our 2004 prophecy of fall of whole Middle-east monarchy, looks like coming true. Thanks & God Bless Mahendra Sharma


Dear Members,

In this week newsletter we clearly mentioned that after USA opening on Tuesday at 9.20 AM, will be best time to sell base metals and precious metals but this weakness will end of Thursday morning in Asia or Europe as we see precious metals moving up on middle of Thursday and Friday so both of these days are positive, currently copper is at $461 (no buying in copper), gold $1377 and silver $30.81.

Best time to build up sell position in metals will be from ...... 2011, because from this date metals will never able to recover. Those who planning to take put options trade can go ahead even now but future metals will remain very volatile until ........... We target gold to reach $1100 and silver $21 by end of .....

Oil traded as predicted, oil will trade in narrow range but overall trend will remain weak. Some political uncertainty has developed in Iran and Bahrain, this may bring some cautiousness in oil trend. Natural gas will be great buy on Thursday as mentioned in this week newsletter.  Our first target in oil is $83.80 which shall achieve soon and next is $75.20 but one can cover around $83.80. Natural gas range will be $3.84 to $4.21 in the next 10 days. Currently oil is at $85.63 and Natural gas $3.91. Next week looks too volatile so trade carefuly, I won't be touching precious metals and energy, rest everything will fall (grains, softs and base metals).

Soy and other grains are trading weak as mentioned in newsletter. Avoid any buying in grains this week as fall will remain continue.

We are not recommending any trading in soft until ....... 2011, so avoid sugar, cotton, cocoa and coffee as they can move very volatile (specially on higher side).

Once again Uranium stocks are marching ahead strongly, don’t book profit because you may not able to get in again at current prices.  This week we expected to make USA and European markets to new high. S&P will easily touch 1350. Hold positions in indexes. This week planets also indicated rising trend in emerging markets. Watch UEC and USEG in uranium sector.

Dollar index is doing great, as per planetary position we see new bull market for USD. Keep adding USD on any weakness without any fear. This week, Australian, Yen, pound and Euro will fall big. Canadian and Swiss will remain stable. Buy USD Index around 78.50.

Once again next week looks very volatile for all markets so stay away from any trading.

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

Tuesday 6.00 AM New York Time