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Today's Trade & News

Tuesday's trade and brief from this week weekly newsletter about what we stated for metals and astrology

Dear Members,

In this week newsletter we recommended:

Monday and Tuesday precious metals traded mix to bit positive, selling recommended higher side of Tuesday or early Wednesday. Gold won’t go above $1305, and lower side $1262 and $1239 or even $1209 price will achieve in in the next six weeks.

Don’t short frontline tech stocks. Metals will move both side from late Wednesday so be aware as most danger time is hanging on head of gold bug investors so be aware and trade with love, follow astro cycle which call perfect bottom in 2001 September at $275 and top in 2011 at $1925. Read our weekly newsletter carefully and if you can afford then must subscribe. If you can't afford then must buy "2018 Financial Predictions book" to follow monthly gold cycle. Now you can buy metal sections in $99.00.

Stay away from grains and softs.

Get ready to but DRI and RHT, both these stocks will announce earning.

I strongly recommend buying “2018 Financial Predictions”, I think it will change your future and will make great amount of wealth. We have reduced 50% price of this book, now each different sections of "2018 Financial Predictions" you can buy with less cost.

This is what we stated: in last news:

Yes, it is very true to I want everyone to have “2018 Financial Predictions” book because I believe 100% that it will change traders and investors life. It is most unique with overall great accuracy. Don’t miss to buy this book, we just made affordable by reducing price 50%. If you are trader or investor or want to build career in this find then must buy this book. Book has detail predictions with monthly detail cycles for gold, silver, base metals, oil, grains, softs, most of currencies and most of markets from USA Europe, Asia, South America and middle-east.

Click to view new rates and detail about book:

This is what we stated yesterday: Get ready for most bullish euphoria cycle of the history in the equity market. We clearly see S&P achieving 3200, in fact we may raise our target of 3800 and 12000 for NASDAQ and 35000 for DOW. I know it sound crazy but they we astro cycle are guiding us accuracy that telling me to predict this euphoric bullish trend for market.

I humbly request traders and followers to read and follow our daily letter as well as weekly letter, avoid any trading strategy because I don’t want your mind to get divert with any other investment idea.

I can’t claim that I will be right 100% but one strategy I will going to write in the next week newsletter. Idea will be that you trade with $100000.00, you will get returns minimum five or more folds in the one year. You just follow trades what I recommend, and every newsletter I will update you what to do with those trades. I am confident because of current accuracy and let hope that you will do well. It is time to make fortune in coming time, because after two years we may see markets losing big value and is could be difficult period for investors so lets fasten seat belt for this final ride. If you are daily newsletter subscriber, then must subscribe weekly newsletter because most of medium term trading strategy we write in weekly newsletter. Subscriptions cost is nothing compare to opportunities of making money or saving money by not going in wrong trades.


I am sure you must be watching biotech stocks, many are on fire and since last three weeks we have been recommending buying biotech. 

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma

18 June, 8.30 PM