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Today's Trade & News

Tuesdays update - Buying time

Dear Friends,

Here is yesterday's flashnews, Yes, time has come to buy commodities for the short term after sharp corrections, which we predicted accurately with the help of planetary movement. This month we started Uranium newsletter as at this stage we are very much focus on this sector and we have offer for our members.

The special offer for the Uranium newsletter will expire on Friday, so I highly recommend all to subscribe for this offer because I know future trend of Uranium will be so interesting, 10 times better than gold and silver or any financial instrument which is available in market.

Don’t take this as my desire to make money out of subscription fees; I can make that money by buying Uranium stocks myself. I simply want you to involve in Uranium area because most amazing trend is on the way.

Currently we are offering a great discounted price, and within few months we will increase “Uranium newsletter subscription” fee price from $550 to $3600.


Dear Members,

We have received many emails regarding “Uranium newsletter services”, many are saying that we shouldn’t be charging additional fee for this services and many have requested that we should offer some discount.

 As this is new services and lot hardwork I will be doing, so I decided to give very sepcial offer to current members only:

Offer is: subscribe six months services for $550 and we will give six months for free, so total one year you will get it in $550. This offer is only valid for current members only. You can pay via Paypal or linkpoint payment gateway system through our website. This offer is valid for three days only.


Today is Tuesday, and our both lower-side predicted target got fulfilled in gold, silver and base metals (our target were for gold $1331, silver $25.11, copper $372, palladium $628 and other base metals we predicted 10% fall ). From here I see strong recovery in metals and base metals for the next three days. Currently gold is $1331 and silver 25.15.

Grains, oil and soft traded as predicted in the last 10 days, they may remain weak for the few days but buy it on Friday as some rise will come.

All major Stock market to remain weak for some time, buy only selective stocks as mentioned in newsletter.

From tomorrow dollar may remain sideways or bit weak for few days. Our target is fullfiled for this week.

We thanks to planets as we are back on track.

Thanks & God BLESS

Mahendra Sharma, Tuesday