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Today's Trade & News

UPDATE - Here is this week newsletter, We will buy gold at $705, Silver at $12.80. Euro toward $1.35 and dollar index soon will hit $78..

Dear Members,
This buying in dollar and selling in commodities has provided us good profit. Commodities are in weak trend and no need to buy but these who took the short position can cover at this point. From middle of next week there will be a sharp correction in commodities which will result many brokerage house in to problem. Oil, grains and metals will keep trading lower for the next three months so watch you trades.
Dollar is holding well and it will trade positive. In short term I see dollar index going to $78.00.
Only coffee and cocoa will trade positive in coming time. Buy coffe around $131.00
I am expecting oil to come down from $118 to $111.80, gold to $882, silver $16.60, Platinum $1950 and sharp fall in grains.
Alternative energy stocks have been trading very positive (FSLR, TSL, WFR, SPWR, STP, FCEL). One can add more like (XSNX, SATC, SPIR, SOLF, CSIQ, HOKU, ASTI, AMAT, EPOI, AEIS, MGPI, GPRE, GAIA, EPG, ENTG). 
Thanks & God Bless
Sharma Mahendra, Thursday 7.00 AM


Dear Firends,

I decided to put this week newsletter here for free. There is very important message of 3rd of May in my new book. Thise still not bought should get copy as soon as possible. Thanks Mahendra


Dear Members,

I just got back from my spiritual trip in India. I was far away in a remote place where there is no internet and I could not communicate. I was just checking what happened in the markets last week and I saw that the markets were volatile as predicted. Once again I would like to remind you that both side moments will dominate the market (until 3 May 2008) before it starts a one side down-wards trend. I have been saying that month of April will be volatile and there will be fast movements on both sides so sell if anything moves higher and buy the same thing if it moves down sharply.


Next week is Fed’s decision and we are not excepting much this time, lets talk about this week now. Last week all forces tried to push dollar down but it did not happen. At the same time, commodities were moving up but many of them gave back all their gains except oil.


I expect commodities to remain in volatility until 3 May but major fall in metals, oil, and grains is on the way from the first week of May and this fall will continue until the end of July so watch your trades.


This week letter from 21 to 25 April 2008



Once again, I would like to bring your attention to the trend of gold on Friday. A small rebound in dollar brought so much fear among the metal community that it forced traders to get out from short term buying positions. Dollar is still trading around the historic low and I do not know what is going to happen if dollar starts rising from here for the next few years.


The time has changed and any market will not trade in one direction because too much money is going in and out so we will try to take advantage of this trading pattern and I am sure that astrology will help us when the planets indications are clear. Many times the planets given mix indications and that are the time that my predictions are unclear.


This week gold will trade mix. I see that the trading range of gold will be $923 to $901. Whatever happens on both these days, the exact opposite will happen on Thursday and Friday. I will write an update on Wednesday evening. Any rise during this week should be taken as a selling opportunity in gold and silver.



I am expecting a major fall in metals from the first week of May so just take the benefit of short term trading. If the prices rise, sharply one can take the advantage of selling and if the prices fall sharply one can take the advantage of buying. The overall trend in silver is weak so if you have a buying position in silver, get out and instead buy gold. This week gold will remain more positive then silver. The trading range of silver on the higher side will be $18.10 and on the lower side will be $17.18.


Monday one can sell gold and silver on the rising trend and cover the short on Tuesday AND Wednesday in trading session of New York.



All these side metals will remain stable during this week but this will be the last week for all these metals especially copper and platinum and any time after next week they will be entering into a four months bear market. One should plan medium term short positions by Friday.



Do not hold metals after Thursday this week, no matter what the people are saying about gold reaching $1600 or $5000 because we want to save money and buy metals when all these big buyers will be wounded during oncoming weak trend. We will buy gold at $700 and silver at $12.00. We will buy copper at $250 and platinum at $1100.




During this week all major markets will remain weak from Wednesday and especially Asian markets will fall sharply. Markets like India, Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong will have a depressing week. USA market will hold positively and this may support European Markets.


Buy USA market and sell international markets. In last three months I have received tons of emails thanking on our recommendation of selling international market and all this appreciation goes to the planetary movement. India market will stabilized around 12000 and Hong Kong around 18000.



This week coffee and cotton will trade sideways so I am not recommending any new buying. Compared to coffee, cotton will remain weak. If you have short positions in other commodities then hedge your short position by buying coffee because coffee is one of the commodities that have the full support of all the planets.



All these soft commodities will stabilize during this week but I still do not recommend buying them at this level.



This week grains will trade weak. I am expecting a major fall in grains from the first week of May. Buy puts in Corn and Soybean and do not hedge the position with wheat as wheat prices will keep moving down.


Once again grains will start trading weak and if they trade weak on Monday and Tuesday will confirm that grain prices will move down for the next three months and from here they are entering in second round of bear market. In first round Bean came down to $1000 from $1575. In second round of bear market I am expecting corn to come down to $479 and bean to $779.



I see a sharp correction in oil from Monday. I see crude prices falling more than five percent and at the same time heating oil and RB gas will fall quite sharply. Once again oil is heading towards $64, RB gas toward 1.9800 and heating oil toward $1.9800. Buy natural gas once oil starts falling down as this will be a good hedging.


Short-term traders can sell oil at $118 and buy back around $112.80 in this week but long-term traders can hold short position.



Dollar index is still holding above $72.00. Let every one talk about the death of dollar but we ignore all noise and keep holding our dollar buying position. This week dollar will move towards a new high of last sixty days trading prices.


On Monday I see dollar gaining from USA trading session, Tuesday it will trade on both side but sharp rising will start from Wednesday and rising trend will continue until the end of the week.


Month of May will remain very positive for dollar and it will be best month since in last three years. The Wave of Dollar is coming and this wave is very close and soon it will hit the coast.


Dollar index is trading around $72.00 since last month, here is chart:


Goldman Sachs commodity index which is highly weighted on OIL (energy) is at new high and from here I am expecting to reach at least 500, mean 240 point down from here can can make fortune for traders.



The rise of US DOLLAR and step fall in commodities is on the way from May. Plan your trades carefully as a great time is coming to make money.


My new book has received a great well-come. You can read monthly trend for the next two years (2008-09) of all major commodities, markets and currencies, also it covers 68 countries predcitions.


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma, 20, April 2008