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Want to walk into future? is small part from last week newsletter..

Weekly Newsletter of 23-27 February 2015

Want to walk into the future? Must read and understand the first part of this week’s newsletter word by word.


Dear Members,

The market is moving higher and higher which is making many nervous as it part of human nature to be cautious. The Moon plays the most important role in that and other planetary combinations keep changing which keep making changes in our thought process. The same brains gives a wrong signal many times and many times it gives a very accurate one. To understand the mind, thinking process and your inner voice is most difficult job. Astrology is the most amazing which can give you the overall outlook of what will happen in the coming time. Astronomic cycles and patterns are great scientific indications which always provide us with a very clear outlook but we always keep changing because of what is currently happening with us. We always focus on something very small which is connected to us on the daily routine life. It is a very complex topic because the astro cycle provides us with an outlook of whatever you want to see but we or our brain, heart and soul (three of the most powerful tools which runs our life) keep agreeing and disagreeing with each other constantly which keeps us in a conflicting behavior pattern (agreeing, disagreeing, arguing, suspicion doesnt allow us to be fine-tuned).

I am a bit fortunate that to some extent my mind, heart and soul kept searching to find the accurate tuning between themselves. This tuning was not possible without understanding natures principles which are hidden but you can read them when you try to understand the behavior pattern of the geo-cosmic or astro cycles.

You can create your own universe and you can connect to the universe sitting here on this planet. You can create hidden maths rules by connecting yourself with nature, which can you code to allow you to enter into the future. Understanding or knowing about the future is not easy but if anyone says that the future can’t be read than they are simple incapable of getting a code because everyone is stuck in a loop of denial. If one person believes that no one can read the future, and then they place their beliefs onto another, and eventually so many people think that no one can read the future, that no one tries to do it.

It is the most difficult topic to put in writing because it is so complicated. Simply speaking, humans have found many codes and every signal day they are finding new codes to bring innovations which simply looked impossible in the past. When thirty years ago I was talking in my village and saying that a time will come when people will be able to talk wirelessly, people will able to see through a screen from a long distance; people used to laugh at me but today those dreams have become a reality.  Star Wars and Star Trek movie gadgets created by the writers mind in the story became a reality after a few decades.

Tomorrow is hidden and if you try to read what is coming tomorrow people will not believe you. However when tomorrow comes and what we saw becomes the past, no one is ready to give importance to it. What we have predicted in the last twenty years for the financial market is a thing of the past and hardly anyone gets that excited by reading our track record but to me I know they were amazing predictions which we saw coming; and they came and they already passed. Who says that the future can’t be read? Anyway’s I would like to end the first part of this week’s letter here and let’s see what the future indicates, for all the major financial markets during this week.

Last week finally S&P broke 2088 and traded above that level for three days (One cycle of Moon). S&P touched 2088 five times previously but failed to cross it and we strongly believed that the sixth time S&P will be able to do so successfully. We are sure you must have invested in market, also in quality and recommended stocks. On the other hand commodities are struggling to move higher and currencies traded mixed. Thirty year bond lost big value during last week.


Here is weekly trend for all major commodities, indexes, and bond...

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma