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Today's Trade & News

Warning time is ahead for investors...must read this week newsletter of Monday...

Dear Members,


I am only talking about the US markets trend as in this week newsletter we warn investors that fall is coming in market so here is small view:


Currently, the Sun and Saturn are both together in the house of Scorpio, and they have been together so since the 14th of November. The House of Scorpio represents a bullish market trend. Saturn has been running through Scorpio for the last 29 months, so overall, the markets trend has remained bullish, and has forced the market to bounced back from any sharp fall that we have witnessed happen during that time.


The Sun will be changing its house  on Thursday 15 December, and will be moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius, so Saturn will be left by itself in the house of Scorpio. When any planet is about to leave any Zodiac house with any strong combinations, they make a quick windup, so we may see volatile moves today and tomorrow due to the Sun leaving the house of Scorpio. We will see the same kind of move next month when Saturn will be leaving the house of Scorpio.  


In short – We were able to predicted two major bearish markets (2000 and 2007/8) five months before the crash happened. I am not saying that the market will crash any time soon, but surely withdraw cash from the market the next 48 hours. Next year we will witness a major weakness that will take place in a few patches, and the damage will be very extensive. Recovering from this damage may take many fund managers and money managers years. I am strongly recommend to read this week newsletter carefully.


Gold has fallen as predicted over the last three months, and has brought loses especially to Indian buyers who were running to buy gold after the Indian government forfeited the Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes. We are still recommending Indian buyers not to buy gold at any price. Invest your money in stocks as stocks will provide you with great returns in the longer term. Don’t hide your money in gold (black money in India is invested in gold), otherwise investors will regret doing so for decades to come as gold prices may not recover at all. Invest money in the Indian market as we see the Indian market outperforming the global market from mid-2017. This is when the ‘Era of India’ will begin.



Thank & God Bless



Mahendra Sharma, 13 December, 2016 Santa Barbara