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Today's Trade & News

Watch USA market and US dollar Index trend on Wednesday from 13.15 EST time...

Dear Members,

First negative astro day is arriving on 21 December 13.15 EST time, so market and dollar may make top tomorrow and, also looks like that oil may achieve top after inventory date but still market is not is not complete negative astro cycle so read our weekly newsletter or daily Flashnews carefully.

Oil trend will be very crucial for market so watch our oil predictions closely. We are very pleased with our accuracy in oil in the last 15 years, as we were able to predict every major move in oil.

This small part from 2016 financial predictions book, looks at higher and lower side level was predicted very accurately:

This is what we mentioned in our book “2016 financial Predictions” in oil sections:

IMPORTANT NOTE: As most of you are aware our view for energy has been very negative since June 2014. The overall trend in energy prices will remain negative so we do not recommend adopting long term positions. This means that do not take any trades earlier in the year and continue holding them for the rest of the year, because the higher side in oil will remain limited. There will be better opportunities to make money by trading in and out. Heating oil and RB gas will follow oils trend, so during this year we may see oil moving towards $48.50 or $52.95, and on the down side it may hold $34.55. If it closes below $35.55 for three days then there are chances that oil prices could fall towards $29.65. Traders should take advantage of buying short term call options before any of the above-mentioned cycles start, and also book profit quickly before the positive cycles end. 

Energy stocks will trade mixed without any major movement, so longer term investors should not be putting any money in energy stocks. Any sharp rise should be taken as a profit booking opportunity if you are holding any energy stocks.

Natural Gas’ trend will remain positive during 2016, so one can stay long in Natural Gas in the year 2016. However, it is very important to remember to keep booking profit before any of the above mentioned negative cycles start. Overall, Natural Gas will outperform oil in the year 2016.

For short term strategies and price targets please follow our weekly and daily newsletters.

Ninth Cycle:

From the 26th of November to 31st of December 2016 - During this cycle we see positive momentum coming back in the energy market and oil prices will form a bottom, and oil stocks will also act positively. Even though this is a positive cycle, the higher side will remain limited. Natural gas and RB gas will move sharply higher during this period.


Crude Oil: $52.95 to $29.78 (As predicted last year that oil may hold $30.00 level and if its trade below for five days then possibility that could test 2002 low of $27.78 level)

Natural Gas: $2.88 to $1.82 (higher side $3.57 if it cross $2.88)


This is what we mentioned for the last cycle of USA market:

Twelfth Cycle: (from book 2016 Financial Predictions page number 34)

From the 18th of November to 31st of December 2016 - This will be a very bullish astro cycle for all the major markets as well. During the previous cycle and this cycle the market can move 15-20% higher so plan your trades accordingly, so that you can gain a maximum benefit out of it. Many call options of $1000 can be worth $50,000 in three months. In short, this is the best time cycle to make a great amount of money in the market.

Here is what we mentioned in “2016 Financial Predictions” book on page 59, and page 30.

Tenth Cycle for metal market:, from page 59, book “2016 Financial Predictions”

From the 7th of October to 17th of November 2016 - Once again precious metals prices will fall sharply lower during this cycle so one should book profit before this cycle starts, or close your positions if you are holding any in metals. Sharp corrections in metals futures prices and metals stocks will surprise many because this fall will happen without any major news taking place in the metals market. This is purely a bearish cycle and we recommend short positions in metals.

I am on holidays and our book is almost ready, it will be launched on around 15 January 2017.  

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma,


South America