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Wave of nature is unique: Market predictions, monthly cycle from 2020 book...small part from Indian market sectionsand small part from this weeks weekly letter...

Dear Members,

I humbly thank you for keeping boundless trust and great support toward our theory. I feel fortunate, that I was able to predict market trend so accurately in 2020. As I said astro cycle and wave of nature were narrating and I was just playing a role for typiest. First time I am putting complete 12 months astro cycle predictions from 2020 Book “2020 Financial Prophecies”. This book was finished in November 2019, after editing we released on 5th January 2020. I don’t think any theory, supper computer or AI could have guided this accurately, this is the reason my life is devoted to this subject.

Here is below sections is from page 44 to 48 2020 Financial Prophecies“:


First Cycle: From the 1st of January to the 8th of February

This is a positive cycle for the equity market, but there will be some volatility during this cycle from the 8th of January to the 14th of January. During this period, I am not recommending any buying trades, but the overall cycle will be positive till the 8th of February. If I am not mistaken in reading the Astro cycle, then some new buying will emerge in the global equity market and stock prices may start moving higher aggressively from the 18th of January onwards.

During this cycle, Saturn will be changing its house on the 24th of January, which may give new life to cannabis, metal stocks, metals, and the entire energy sectorincluding alternative energy, electric car, fuel cell technology, etc. We believe that tech stocks will struggle to perform well, but will still hold value, so do not short any tech stocks. During this period, medical equipment stocks will also perform amazingly, so focus on that along with biotech.

I strongly recommend taking more aggressive positions in emerging markets rather than developed markets. Buying in YINN & INDL will be far better bets. Overall, this is a very bullish cycle, but make sure you don’t buy any aggressive positions from the 8th of January to the 14th of January, and make sure you book profits in most of the markets around the 8th of February.


Second Cycle: From the 9th of February to the 23rd of March

This will be a volatile cycle for the market, especially from the 9th of February to the 25th of February. During this period, we may see the market giving up some gains. Do not hold any aggressive long positions in the market and in stocks.


Third Cycle: From the 23rd of March to the 5th of May

During the first seven days of this period there will be volatility, but on any sharp correction between the 23rd of March to the 31st of March, one can buy some positions in indexes or stocks on weaknesses. During the month of April, the stock market will move higher once again.

During this period, we see biotech stocks rallying in a big way, along with mining and commodity stocks. By the end of this cycle, I strongly recommend booking profits if the stocks rally well as the next cycle is negative.


Fourth Cycle: From the 5th of May to the 15th of June

This will be a very negative cycle for the market. Stock prices will lose value sharply. There will be political tension between the USA and China as well as some uncertainty in the Eurozone. This will be the time to buy aggressive positions in volatility indexes like the VIX, UVXY, & TVIX. Short-term traders can also take some put options in the indexes, so this will not be a good cycle to remain long in the market.

However, during this period some small-cap and mid-cap biotech stocks will rally hard regardless of what’s going on in the overall market. Cannabis stocks will also move aggressively higher during this period, so remain a selective buyer in these sectors as they will be good hedging trades.


Fifth Cycle: From the 16th of June to the 30th of June

This will be a very volatile cycle for two weeks, and the markets can fall in a big way during this period. Remain wary and protect your investments carefully as huge corrections could be expected in the market. On the 30th of June I will recommend getting ready to buy positions, so you can either buy positions on the 30th of June or during the next cycle.


Sixth Cycle: From the 1st of July to the 16th of August

Once again, this will be a very bullish cycle for the market, so stock and equity prices will gradually start moving higher. I strongly recommend to start buying tech, financial, and biotech stocks. Some aggressive movements will come in these sectors, and if I am not mistaken in my readings of the Astro cycles, all the major global market will hit an all-time high. This is especially true for the US and India. Europe and Japan will also move higher, and China will also trade positively.

This is a fantastic cycle to make a great amount of money in tech and biotech stocks. Mining stocks will also gain handsome value during this period, so buy mining ETF’s like NUGT of JNUG. You can also by tech and biotech ETF’s like SOXY and LABU.


Seventh Cycle: From the 17th of August to the 4th of October

This will once again be a very volatile cycle, and I strongly recommend selling stocks during this period. Do not hold any long positions in tech and financial stocks as prices will fluctuate very fast, so have some sort of hedging strategy without holding any naked buying positions.

Hold some put options and buy some UVXY during this period. I still see biotech stocks performing very well during this cycle, so it will be very interesting when Tech and all the other sectors are trading negatively, and biotech outperforms all the sectors. If you see biotech performing well then you should start building positions in it as it will continue to perform well throughout the year.


Eighth Cycle: From the 5th of October to the 20th of November

There will be sharp corrections initially when this cycle starts, but as this cycle progresses, the market will test an all-time high during this period. This will be a fantastic cycle for buyers. One must buy Financials, Tech, and Biotech stocks.

During this period, stocks like Google, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, etc. will hit all-time highs. Tesla will also hit an all-time high. This cycle will look like a mini bubble due to aggressive moves in stock prices. Stay long in the market as the next cycle is also positive.


Ninth Cycle: From the 21st of November to 31st of December

This will be a very bullish cycle for the market, and once again we see the markets moving towards an all-time high globally. This will be one of the best cycles for emerging markets, and Japanese stocks will perform amazingly.

During this period, Middle-Eastern and African markets including the South African market will perform well. This is the best time for investors, but remember to close all the longs before the year’s end, or by holiday time in December. Spend some good quality time with loved ones as the year wraps up because 2021 perhaps may not bring any great excitement.


Small part from Indian market sections from our book “2020 Financial Prophecies”.

Today I would like to put small part from book “2020 Financial Prophecies” because it is important that Nifty is reached and crossed above predicted our higher side levels which is great sign, here what we stated: I have been writing that NIFTY needs to close above 11,775, and if it does so, then I see a bullish trend starting for India. I won’t be surprised at all if the NIFTY reaches 13,578 in 2020.

In 2020, my favorite sectors are cement, banking, financial services, pharmaceutical stocks, and FMCG.

In the past 7 years, most of the stocks I recommended in the Indian letter performed really well, so give importance to our recommendations. Our favorite stocks are ICICI Lombard, HDFC Life, Grasim, Ultratech, Tata Global, Reliance Industries, Bandhan Bank, ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, and AXIS Bank.

The RBI will remain in a very confused zone because they cut the REPO rates more than expected in 2019 and investors still feel that the RBI will cut rates further. Economic conditions in India are not that great right now, but regardless of that, the equity market will perform well, so I still recommend buying the Indian market in the first half of 2020. In the second half of 2020, you will need to remain more alert and follow our Indian market report.


Small special part from first sections of today’s weekly newsletter 4-8 January 2021:

We are in 2021, hope rope is strongest one though it is not physically seen but we walk in the darkest path by feeling that we are holding it…


Dear Members,   

We are humbly welcoming the new year, and other than the numbers changing to 2021, nothing changes in nature, the sun will rise and set as usual. Plants grows, new things happen with those who have a life.

We humans are a very unique being living here on this planet, and because we have so many unique hidden things within is provided by nature, but unfortunately, we were given age cycle (birth and death) but in between this is the most unique journey we have if we analyze ourselves and those around us. There are material things which create the desire to acquire with in us, and this put us in the race with others and that’s how our life race starts from a young age right from our school days, and that race never ends until the last day of our lives. Even a little baby has the desire to get the toy that another baby is holding. Nature is unique and we humans are born with the most unique hidden agenda which keeps changing as per circumstance and incidence, but surely our life journey is the most interesting and amazing if you sit alone and try to analyze it.

We have desire, ego, love, forgiveness, greed, hate, humbleness, hope, and the list goes on, and we are all born within these things within us, they grow and take shape as we grow, but then the other part is nature has provided us with a mind, heart, and soul which directs us in our terms, what is right for us and what is wrong for us. On the other side nature provided us with a body which has everything we have talked about above. According to me the meaning of mind (practical/intellectual and we can keep growing limitless), heart (emotions, which are very unstable, and most of the time emotions influence our mind), and soul (our existence and every breath we take till our last days).

This life journey is the most unique, so try to spend a little time with yourself, because the rest of us are just fulfilling our desires. In this journey of life where there will be many ups and downs, or successes and failures in our emotions, but if walk alone or sit quietly in search, many things will reveal themselves which may make you think about lifes journey.

Yes, my new year’s note is to spend time more with myself rather than fulfilling your own, or your families desire, or that of the people around you. I am not saying that you need to become a Buddha, but we should become individuals with awareness of existence of this most unique life, because everyone around us is trying to fulfill their own desire. If you make a small error or if you come in between their path, then you will see real color of human. 

I would like to end todays note here and humbly request nature to take care of all of us in 2021, or whatever time we have left in this life.

Let me come back to the financial market because you all subscribe to the letter to know what is happening in the coming time.

Let me take this opportunity to thank nature and the Astro cycle that we were able to guide our members very accurately in most of the areas. I was off track on currencies as in the second half of 2020 most of the currencies moved above our predicted target. Our Stock market predictions have proven true with amazing accuracy.

Let’s not talk about 2020, because we want to focus on 2021. Our book will be out soon on the day when Sun moves to Capricorn.

Here is this week newsletter with trading ranges, and trading strategy for metals, energy, indexes, currencies, grains, softs and bond market from 4-8 January 2020

Please subscribe if you wish to read this week market trend….

Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma