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We must pray for Japanese people.. here is small part from this week newsletter..

Threat to mankind – We may look helpless


Dear Members,

The Japan earthquake and tsunami have proven that when nature gets unhappy it can take innocent peoples life. After seeing the devastations in the last twenty hours in Japan, I am wondering what will happen after three years when real negative time starts for the world because every month catastrophe will hit our planet. First let me take this opportunity to express my condolence those who lost friends or family members, I pray for everyone those who are affected with this unfortunate event. I also request my members to please keep minute silence and pray for everyone who got affected. Current negative time will last for three more days as per Japans Astro birth-chart so next three days are not very good for Japan.   

You are all aware that I stopped predicting negative predictions like attacks, war, natural disasters after the 9/11 event. I don’t know I am doing right or wrong but I don’t want to gain fame by predicting events that bring pain, killing or deaths. I knew that 2011 Japan will be hit hard by natural disasters and there are still more pending. In the coming few years Australia, Japan, China and New Zealand will be hit hard by natural disasters (I pray that I came wrong on these predictions).

I would like you to read my 3 May 2009 small part of newsletter;


Let’s talk about the markets. Libyan are still fighting but now but this news is overdone so traders are starting to ignore it unless something drastic happens next. We have been saying that, if problems arise in Saudi then oil trend should be watched carefully. Gold has failed to take advantage of current uncertain scenario in the Middle-East, weak dollar, oil and other commodities rises. I was talking to a few big guys in the gold community and they were saying that they have been loading gold but same time they are disappointed lately because gold was not able to perform. Silver did better for investors lately.

Soft commodities looks like having made short-term tops and very exhausted. Meantime, grains are also falling. Dollar consolidated and made some gains during last week. Yen went up after the earthquake (I never understand the logic behind that), and other currencies gained on Friday against USD. Stock markets remained in volatile trends.

Let’s what astro movements indicate for financial markets this week:


Weekly newsletter 14-18 March



Last week gold remained in….. 



Lately silver has been outperforming gold….. 



Last two weeks base metals have been trading weakly as predicted…..



This week all major stock markets will remain…..



This week thirty-year bond will…..



Last week coffee came down from $295 to $273, cotton from $218 to $197, sugar and cocoa also struggled. This week cotton, coffee and sugar will….



Last week grains traded weaker as predicted….



Retrograde Saturn is supporting oil....



Last week....


Important note – Last 48 hours after tsunami, I have been fighting in internal war, what shall I do? Shall I start publishing these unhealthy and unpleasant events which I see in my prophecy! Shall go back to past path, according to what I predicted in the last twenty five years on geo-politics, natural disaster, war and 9/11, but these predictions nothing helped anyone. Media and People appreciated when predictions came true but there were no real benefits to world, I was not able to even save one human life, people believe in our prophecies but seriousness is not there toward my subject.

I wish I could leave everything and keep doing study on nature and planets, and keep writing what I see for world!  

In few days I will make decision on these important issues which is really making me mentally unstable, I am trying to searching myself, my soul and my duty.

Here is my final note, which I am adding this below part here on late Sunday night, I will start writing prophecies on world events from here onward.

Many Natural disaster/war/attacks predictions were very accurate, authorities could have saved thousands of life if they took these predictions seriously;

1.     At age 19 Saw USA-Iraq gulf-war, many died


2.     Kobe (1995) earth quack predicted two month before it happened


3.     Since 1999, I started warning about extensive terrorist attacks against USA, I warn agencies to watch closely Afghanistan. Two day before again I warn that “I see extensive terrorist attack happening, big bombs or building collapsing” but no use, none of authorities took it seriously. Most sad event that changed my life, I started thinking that no use of these world event predictions, I started putting my whole focus on financial markets.



4.     In “2003 World & Financial prophecies” book, Again I mentioned that war in Iraq would take place around 18 March, and it started on that date, I requested not to start war because most of innocent people will get kill for just one man “Saddam Hussein”, we all aware that in this war only innocent people got killed from both-side. I wish they could have just killed Saddam.


5.     In “2004 World & Financial Prophecies” book our prophecies were very clear on Hurricane Katrina and Tsunami of Indonesia/Thailand again created havoc. We clearly mentioned that in month of August 2005 east coast will get hit hard by hurricane; it would bring huge damage to east-coast and threat to people’s life. This time planets guided us accurately with month “August 2005”. On Tsunami we mentioned “water related natural disaster will create havoc on millions of life in Thailand”.


NOTE: I may not come accurate 100% ever or will not able to see each and every event of world because we have limitation of time. In a day we just have 24 hours and so many other activities to do. To do detail study on one chart, I requires thousands of hours but no excuse, I will try my best from here onward AND I will start publishing world event prophecies once again from here onward.   


Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma
