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Today's Trade & News

We predicted drastic fall of Modi in elections but recommended aggressive buying in Indian and USA market...

Dear Members,

Like Trump’s party Republican lost mid-term elections, in India BJP lost also key heart states of in state elections which is very dangerous sign for Modi government. Modi and Trump era stated together, Trump able to do lot good for USA economy but Modi completely failed on Economic front. Both these leader era’s is ending as predicted, their shine is fading out very quickly. My predictions are matching more for Modi as before just Gujarat elections I saw weakness coming in Modi’s wave. If he keep doing job for country like this than I am very much worried about India’s economy and his bid for re-elections. Trump still can survive next elections but chances for Modi is very little so keep this in mind. Modi is great speech deliver but he doesn’t understand economy, if he doesn't understand economy then he should give free hand to economist and policy makers that could be great for India but he is trying to control everything thinking that he master in but people close to must tell him that is not a master, yes he only a great speech deliver but that is also becoming boring now these days. Trump and Modi’s ego will take them down very badly but at this stage I am more worried about Modi. Modi must keep economist and policy market close to him and must listens to them, as they understand economy number better way and they can provide great policies. 

On Tuesday globally markets traded positive, USA market opened higher but gave away all gains which means that still traders are getting out from long on any rise or traders like to play shorts. INDL recommended buying at $50.00 which moved sharply higher and will keep gaining value. 

Dollar gained value as still there is no clarity on Brexit. Emerging market currencies gained value on Tuesday which is great sign, but frontline currencies lost value.

Grains gained value, but softs remained in the negative trend. Energy and metal prices traded mix. Natural gas lost value.

Tech stocks struggled yesterday but look buy in my astro cycles system.

Sun will move out of Scorpio which will give open arm to Jupiter to play whatever game Jupiter wants to play. So far Jupiter is responsible for major volatility.

Buy CIEN, ADBE, APPLE, and NFLX. These four stocks will gain good value in the next seven days.

Markets will gain value on Wednesday, dollar will trade both sides and grains will gain value.

Best but for day: Soy and meal, Soy bean is heading for $955.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma