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Today's Trade & News

We recommended big buying on Mondays weakness as Tuesday we expected market to move up big...small part from Tuesday flashnews metals, Indexes, currencies etc...

As predicted Tuesday will be most important day for market and it shall rebound as predicted….


Dear Members,

I am in flight and my computer is not changing so this will be very brief message but surely I am writing trading ranges so you can act accordingly if you are day trader.

Monday market once again lost big value, huge selling pressure was witnessed but I am not worried as I expected market to remain like that on Monday. We market to recover back on Tuesday so get ready to buy positions and we are becoming very bullish about 5G sector so get ready to buy semiconductor stocks.

Gold will act positive but base may give more value late in this week so remain alert. Read carefully our weekly newsletter.

Energy prices traded mix to bit negative. Grains and softs traded negative so next astro date is Thursday of this week for turn around.

Frontline currencies traded positive but emerging market currencies lost value, it was one of the best day to bet, and if you haven’t bought positions then must buy on Tuesday in emerging market currencies.

I know most of you are not able to buy Argentina Peso, yesterday collapsed by 28%, it is life time opportunity to buy.

SOXL is on our close watch list, I recommend to buy on Tuesday even though everyone is worried about market and chip stocks with target of $200 if Tuesday market bounce as predicted.

On Monday was very negative week build volatility will reduce now from Tuesday and buying will be witness in stocks on Tuesday on lower side so don’t miss buying opportunity. We don’t see S&P going below 2868.

Buy USA and European markets., buy Chip stocks and marijuana stocks. Mars is ready to support market from here onward.

This is what we stated yesterday: On Monday lower side one can take buying positions in markets as Tuesday we see positive trend developing. Recovery will come from lower side so plan Monday’s buying according.

INDL and YINN will be good bet in coming days so remained watchful.

Biotech and other sectors are struggling, another few months are pending before news cycle starts. Banking and Financial sector is ready to perform from next week so get ready to enter this sector.

Cannabis are our most favorite area of investment, negative astro cycle ended and positive cycle to start from Monday so great time to bet on Cannabis stocks.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma