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We were bit nervous about week starting on the 22 November for global markets trend due to Jupiter changing…here is important weekly letter from 22-26 November….

Weekly Newsletter from 22 to 26 Nov     

Jupiter changes will bring new trend in many financial instruments…


Dear Members,   

 Jupiter changed its house on Saturday and Mercury on Sunday, these are important changes for the markets. Though Mercury change won’t play a major role, Jupiter will take some big action. Capricorn Jupiter was powerless and caused the market to move without any direction and decisiveness because Saturn was in the same house, and it sidelined Jupiter.

Jupiter is very important planet for the financial market and its always plays a great role in giving direction to all the major financial markets. This time Saturn was in complete control in Capricorn which played a supportive role to the superpower (USA), otherwise the last two months could have been the worst for the financial market. We knew Saturn will help market that’s the reason we recommended buying S&P around 2200 last year and still recommended last month around 4271. 

Now Jupiter entered in Aquarius which will give it some freedom to play at least some role for the financial market, though it won’t be able to help much due to the fact that this house is also owned by Saturn. If the market starts trading negatively then expect some serious corrections in the market in coming day, but at this stage we don’t see any major damaging trend that because Saturn will control the situation, though Jupiter can keep bringing the market lower from the higher sides. Jupiter will change its house in April 2022 so until then financials will still struggle along with energy, food and restaurant stocks. Saturn will keep pushing clean energy, semiconductor, and EV related stocks higher, investment in these areas will provide amazing returns.

Inflation issue was hyped as we see real inflations problems happening in late 2022 and 2023. Central banks and policy makers are unnecessarily worried about inflations. Late December and January 2022 policy makers will tone down on rates so keep this in mind which may fuel the stock markets trend.

Current prices are rising not because of huge demand but because of supply constraints. Still in many countries workers are not back on the job so covid uncertainty kept industrial production lagging. By mid-2022 industrial production will meet demand which means that the current shortage in many areas will come back to normal level.

Rate hikes are coming back, and we are expecting them to happen in the second half of 2022, we are not expecting rate hike in first half of 2022. Tapering will take place slowly compared to what the market expects.

Lately Covid cases are rising in many European countries which is creating some concerns, but we are not that worried about it. Yes, the Covid issue will end, and the world will get back to normal from May 2022. Globally every area will become normal, even Cruise lines and most holiday locations will open for normal business. Currently most of Airlines are operating international flight with minimum number of flights which will change dramatically. I am flying today back to SB, and flights are so expensive that I paid 200% more fare then normal.

Jupiter needs to be in Pisces to bring the world back to normal order and this will happen in 2020 April. It will bring good news for banking and financial stocks which means that rates will start rising any time after April 2022.

Last week globally the markets underperformed but USA market acted well. Nasdaq outperformed most of other USA indexes. Emerging and Asian countries markets struggled to walk behind the USA market. This week will be crucial for these markets.

Gold and silver performed well but they lost value on late Thursday and Friday. Base metals acted mixed without trading in any clear direction.

Dollar indexes trend is making me confused because I don’t see it moving above 95.59. If USD remains around Friday’s level for the next three days, then we may see a new bull market taking place and a sharp rise as well as sharp fall may occur in the USD so a very aggressive volatile trend could develop. Most of the currencies are at the most important levels and from here onwards any weakness could be an alarming sign.

The Energy market traded as predicted, oil, heating oil and RB Gas lost significant value last week. Gas remained in a mixed direction.

Grains traded as predicted and softs remained in a bullish pattern. Coffee made multi year highs, but cotton is also holding value around multi-year levels. Both are at crucial levels.

Crypto lost value as predicted, volatility to continue. One sharp upward move is pending before it gets very volatile and adopt weakness.

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Thanks & God Bless

Mahendra Sharma